Sorcery vx.xx Beta Team Notes 7/7/96 First of all, thanks for taking the time to beta test Sorcery vx.xx for me. As you might expect, a lot of time went into creating this game, and there really is no way I can expect to test it on every kind of system. What I expect from the beta team: BUG REPORTS SUGGESTIONS HINTS FOR WINNING (even though I pretty much know it all (laugh!)) ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF There are MANY MANY ways you can contact me with this information. The most reliable (and probably easist for everyone): FIDO Netmail. - FIDO Netmail gets to my BBS and I read my mail about 5 times a day. The Dead Zone BBS (my board) FIDOnet NODE is 1:280/205. You can write to me Internet E-Mail at: - Hark@Clubmet.Metrobbs.Com: I have a few accounts at Metropolis - Clubmet, a HUGE pay bbs system. - At this time, I can accept Internet E-Mail to my board, through an Internet<>FIDOnet gateway. I let my users have free Internet E-Mail access, as long as they don't route files, or join mailing lists. And last, but not least, calling my BBS: (913)362-9922. I am a student, and it would be silly for me to think that this number will ALWAYS be my BBS number, so if you get a voice, it is no longer my BBS number. If you call long distance, you can log on as GUEST with the password GUEST, and write me a (N)ote to Sysop. You can always FREQ the most current version of this program at 1:280/205 under the magic name SORCERY.