Welcome to zMUD! (the greatest MUD client for PC/Windows in the Universe :) This file contains release notes for users of previous versions of zMUD. RELEASE NOTES for v3.51 (beta) This version should still have the GPF for some people when connecting to a MUD. I have added some debugging statements to the status bar. If you get a GPF, let me know what the status bar says so that I can try to fix this problem. RELEASE NOTES for v3.5 (beta) Compatibility with settings file was a problem between the 16-bit and the 32-bit in the last version. This version should fix those problems. However, if you got one of your settings files corrupted, there is nothing to do to fix it. Always make sure you install new versions of zMUD to difference directories so that you have backup fixes in case of problems. After all, this is BETA software. Zugg (5-May-96) RELEASE NOTES for v3.3 (beta) The operation of the "Expand Variables" flag has changed a bit. It should be safe to use this flag "off" all the time now. All your scripts, triggers, etc should all still work. You just won't have to worry about using two @@ or %% all the time on the command line now. Some short-cut keys have been changed: ^P now invokes Print, while ^R toggles the parse status of the command line. There no longer is a key for refresh screeen. The PgUp and PgDn keys now freezen the screen and scroll back or forwards as soon as you hit them...the screen doesnt have to be frozen already to do this. Oh yes, and key no longer deactivates the screen freeze...sorry for the trouble this caused. The only diff in settings files is that the new version now saved the tickon state, and the new color syntax. Zugg (31-Mar-96) RELEASE NOTES for v3.2 (beta) There is a new settings flag you need to be aware of. It is called "Expand Variables". If you load an existing settings file, this option will be turned on to emulate the old parsing rules. However, when you start a new settings file this option will be turned off. When off, variables will no longer be parsed within a command on a command line. This means that you no longer have to worry about putting double @@ or %% to delay variable expansion. Hope this is the only issue for conversion of existing users. Zugg (17-Mar-96) RELEASE NOTES for v3.13 (beta) IMPORTANT: The format of the MUDCHAR.DAT file has changed. Make sure you save your existing MUDCHAR.DAT in case you need to use a previous version of zMUD. Previous versions will not be able to read the v3.13 MUDCHAR.DAT and zMUD will convert this file to the new format as soon as you run zMUD. Zugg (3-Mar-96) RELEASE NOTES for v3.1 (beta) Lots of bug fixes and new stuff in this release. Make sure you look at the version history on the web to see what is new. The main compatibility issue is the handling of inherited setting files. They basically didn't work for anything except aliases, triggers, and macros before. They now work for colors, fonts, and special characters. However, there is a trick. In any existing setting file that you have, the Use Inherited Settings flag in the Color, Font, and Special character dialogs will be turned off, in order for your saved settings to work as before. However, whenever you create a new settings file, the Inherited flag will be on. This means that colors, fonts, and special characters will come from the inherited file, or from DEFAULT.MUD. If you change colors, for example, you must be sure to turn this flag off or else zMUD will keep using the inherited settings. The action of this flag is pretty obvious in the dialogs, but be aware of it. There were *so* many little changes in this release, that I havn't had a chance to fully test everything, so keep those bug reports coming in. I did have a chance to start updating the online help this time. At least the menu reference and command reference are fairly up to date. Zugg (2/25/96) RELEASE NOTES for v3.0 (beta) ----------------------------- Before using v3.0, be sure save your MUD files, and your MUDCHAR.DAT file somewhere safe. Nothing much has changed in terms of compatibility. However, since v3.0 was such a major rewrite of some underlying storage code, you might see some new bugs. I have tested it with several hours of MUD playing, but need others to beat up on it and send me email about any problems. Oh yes, I have removed START.WAV from the ZIP file to make it smaller. Feel free to trigger your own startup sound from the Setting/Edit/Sound menu. Oh yes, the HELP file has NOT been updated yet. I'll try to get around to this soon. Thus, the new #CW (color word) and #ECHO command are undocumented for now. Zugg (4-Feb-96)