Sparhawk's Amalgam2 Made by Tim Rhodes (Sparhawk) This is an upgraded version of Amalgam. Fixes include: Moved Starts out of likely mined areas, Re-aligned floor bitmaps, added wall markers for orientation, Moved one of the open sniper rooms, took out the extra red goal (how did that get in there?) Single Player: No Coop: No Anarchy: yes Team Anarcy: yes Flag: yes Editor: Devil 2.1g Time: Couple hours (Upgrade) E-mail: Please send me some feedback on this level. All comments (negative and positive) will be greatly appreciated! This level DOES include alot of "Newbie weapons"...Dissallow them if you don't want'em..otherwise it'll be earthshaker and mega torture. Other levels made by Sparhawk: Deathnest, Odyssey, Aztek, Atavism, and Anthrax. Deathnest and Aztek have a pretty slow FPS they're not too hot for multiplayer games over 2 people :(