This is a Barney shooting gallery for Doom. This will only work correctly if you have the "Demons into Barney" patch. Also included are some new Barney voices, which are built into the level. Once you think you have killed all of the Barneys, run over and pick up the BFG9000 and the rest of the Barneys will come after you. The voices: Barney injured: "Damn!" Barney killed: "Oh ho ho ho ho ho" Barney attacking: "Oh boy!" Barney spotting you #1: "I'm glad you came to play." Barney spotting you #2: "Each and every one of you is very..." Just run the batch file BLAST, and you will be in the shooting gallery. I included a .PCX file showing a bunch of Barney corpses. Also, if you could record a cooperative demonstration of this level and upload it to me (by e-mail), I'd be very grateful. I may not have enough time to e-mail a thank-you letter, so I thank you in advance. Jazz411