CORNER DEATH BY Owen Marlowe Single-Player: Sure - but all you'll see are powerups floating around. Co-Op: Nope Anarchy: Yep - up to 8 players Team: Anarchy - Yep Flag - Opposite each other in the corners. Editor Used: Devil 2.1d Time to Create: Approx. 5 hours Author: Owen Marlowe Email Address: [formerly] Misc Information: This is my first Descent 2 level. This is a medium sized level good for 8 player anarchy [might be a bit too small for 8 players - but try it anyhow!] I haven't tested the Flag mode, so let me know if there are any problems [BUGS]. There is NO reactor and NO exit, so don't bother looking for them. Known Bugs: None in Anarchy Mode. Unknown if there are any in Flag mode. Files included: CDEATH.HOG [The Level] CDEATH.MN2 [Level Information] CDEATH.TXT [The file you're reading now] Using PKUnzip, WinZip, etc, unzip CDEATH.ZIP in your \DESCENT2\MISSIONS directory. Email your Comments, Suggestions, Bugs, etc: