Descent II Add-On Mission Crazy Level 9 (Shockwave) **Description** This level is one of a set of missions designed by me (Luke Schneider) for high quality anarchy play in Descent II. All future anarchy levels of my design will be released under the Crazy label. Not only will this relieve some of my stress of having to think of a cool name for every level I make (actually, they will have subtitles, like "Hydrophobia"), but it will also allow Descent II players everywhere to immediately recognize my levels. Hopefully that will be a good thing. As with the Panic Levels by Parallax, I am releasing one level per week. This isn't as hard as it sounds, as each level only requires about 8 hours of work (plus some playtesting). The strategy for each level will vary quite a bit as well as the texture themes. This weeks' selection **Shockwave** The days of Mega-dodging return. Long range battles will nullify most of their deadliness however. Selecting your weapons of choice wisely will be the key to victory. Beware of the reactor room while at the same time you must go there if you want to reload on heavy missiles. The level's classic Descent look may get you reminiscing, but the effective weapons are D2 exclusives. =Legal Jargon= Actually I don't know the proper legal terms, but in short: You may distribute this level in its entire form given you include this .TXT file. Please do not modify this level for redistribution. Also, you may not use this level for any commercial purposes without my express written consent (I love that phrase). =The Author (Luke Schneider)= This is my 9th completed Descent II level. I have also created 12 Descent levels. For this level I used Devil 1.02 for the cube structure and Devil 2.1f for adding everything else. To comment, criticize, or just about anything else, send email to: =Crazy Web Pages= Thanks to a couple of gracious guys (Matt Legowski and David Tuttle) there are now two Crazy web pages up and operating. You can find the latest Crazy levels every Friday at: or