DEMONIX CyberDemon's first level made/edited!.... Aren't you happy for me? Single Player: wuss... Coop: what? Anarchy: DAMMIT...OF COURSE! Team Anarcy: uh....sure....go ahead Flag: oops...I knew I forgot something... Editor: Devil 2.1a Time: I'm not the human watch! For Newbies: Unzip this file in your descent2\missions dir. Go ahead and erase the text before reading I care! But wait....aren't you reading it right now?? HAHA....made ya look! E-mail- (no, cserve is not my ISP for Kali) Thanks to Parallex for actually making Descent 2 and getting me hooked forever. And Achim for making the bug loaded devil...hehe....j/k A little side note: I believe it was Nuke who made the true level... Kaotix...I just edited it and adapted it for D2. So due to a certain "holy" knight, I do not wish to accept all of the credit...if any. Just thank Nuke for making the level for d1 in the first place!