If you have this txt file, you have The Escape series v1.00. The Escape series is not complete. I am trying to make a level for every level in Doom. This series contains the following- Escape Skyfall Nuke Gateway Tower All these levels make the start of E1. except for Escape (for e1m1) is a very small level. This dosn't mean it is not good in any way, It has things that I thought up like: voodoo dolls- voodoo dolls of you. If they are shot, it hurts you. These contain black magic, that will turn you into a Poltergiest! Invisable and non-material, you rome through the levels as a ghost. The more you move and bump into things the powerful a ghost you become. See for yourself. Portals into nothingness- A doorway that is a gateway into the cosmos, where the exit doorway is. This is all real. All my levels have a catch to them. You will not understand them, at first but they are very real, and can be the most deadly things you have ever encountered in doom. Ingenius, are these levels in design. You will not even notice these tricks at first so don't write ego bruising email to me at rival.com!Joe.Dejong. But If you do look at these levels closely you can write me at the same address for improvement ideas (I would appreciate any advice for improveing the levels and to make new versions, and the rest of the levels for the game:) I thought just making these pwads was very fun. -made with DCK, level editor for Doom. -Joe Dejong