Caer Darrow Difficulty:medium STORY With your success in defeating the orcish attack on Stromgarde, the Alliance once again has a foothold from which to conduct operations in Quel'Thalas. The elves of Quel'Thalas are demanding that the Alliance forces retake their ancient city of Caer Darrow. They fear that their mystical relic, the Runestone, may be destroyed by the orcs if they are allowed to remain. The Elves being a critical part of the Alliance land forces, Lord Terenas has decided that we must grant them this wish, even though Caer Darrow is militarilly worthless. You are to journey to Caer Darrow, which lies to the north of Stromgarde. The Runestone is located on an island in the center of the lake Caer Darrow. It is believed that the orcs have only light forces in this region. Defeat them and return, so that the Alliance may conduct more important attacks. For HINTS press page down twice. HINTS There is not much to say. There is no real strategy to use on this level. First, just defeat the orc town to your north. Next use ballistas (or mages) to kill the enemy ships. Then build 2 or 3 troop transports. The only really important thing is to watch your oil! You don't have much to work with and can't get more. On the island, death knights and ballistas will cause huge casualties at first. You can soften up the island with demolition squads and battleships before sending in troops.