The Retaking of Khaz Modan difficulty: very hard VERY IMPORTANT: You may not use gryphons on this level. Gryphons probably wouldn't be much help anyway, but you MUST go into the continent by troop transport. Gryphons will be extremely weak on this level if you cheat and try to build them. STORY The tide of the war has turned. With their offensive crushed and their navy decimated, the orcs are now confined to the dwarven lands of Khaz Modan, as well as Azeroth. It is time. It can no longer be delayed. The time for an invasion has come. The terrain of the northern pass into Khaz Modan makes it impossible for a successful invasion from there. We will have to go in by sea. An amphibious assualt, commander. The task is yours. I do not envy you. The island nation of Kul Tiras has been chosen as your staging area. Build those forces that you need, and then make a landing on the shores of Khaz Modan. Beware! Though their shipyards were destroyed, the orcs still have a few ships of war left. And, as the people of Kul Tiras know all to well, terror reigns down from the skies of Khaz Modan. I wish you well, commander. This will be your most challenging task so far. Casualties will be staggering. But you must succeed. for HINTS press pagedown twice HINTS This is a very difficult scenario. Dragons are your biggest problem at first, so build alot of archers and guard towers. Upgrade the archers twice. Build mostly destroyers, since battleships can't hit dragons. When you have enough money, get mages with the polymorph spell and turn any dragons that attack into sheep. When you have enough archers, start training knights, and get the heal spell. Build battleships to bomb the walls and towers of the way you are going in. When you have hit all the towers and walls you can with the ships, you are ready to send in troops. Get AT LEAST 2 troop transports. Send in alot of knights, plus mages and ballistas to take care of the towers and death knights. Getting onto the continent isn't really difficult, but it does take alot of troops. You'll probably lose at least 20 or 30 troops getting onto the island. After you are on the island it gets very easy. Just make sure you have archers and mages to protect against dragons, and then start attacking the enemy town. You will probably want to build a barracks on the continent so you don't have to keep ferrying troops across the water.