Khaz Modan difficulty: hard STORY We must take advantage of your successful landing on Khaz Modan. You must immediately establish a town from which we can build up forces to attack the orcs in the very heart of their domain. Scouts report large numbers of orcs everywhere on Khaz Modan, but the region around Grim Batol has the weakest forces. You are to go to Grim Batol and establish a town. Have no doubt commander, you will be under constant attack. But you must establish a town. Without a base in Khaz Modan, the huge losses we suffered to make a landing will have died for nothing. for HINTS press page down twice HINTS This isn't really that hard of a scenario. Basically all you need to do is build towers and troops to hold off the enemy until you are strong enough to attack. Get alot of peasants and it will be easier. THere are only two paths into your town. Build alot of towers, at least three at each entrance. If you have three, 2 guard towers and 1 cannon tower is a good combo. Put the guard towers closer to the entrance than the cannon, since they have shorter range. Make sure that your peasants chopping wood don't open up another path into your town! What will probably end up happening on this level is you will defend your town until the enemy runs out of gold. He has 90,000 more gold than you, but since he's the attacker and you are the defender he'll run out first. You should use demolition squads on the death knight buildings (when the comp builds them) or they will use decay on your towers. Also, near the end the computer will start to use dragons. Usually it only uses 2 or 3 and then stops so its not a big problem.