PART II ACT II : THE CAPTURE AND RESCUE OF UTHER LIGHTBRINGER As your travel towards Dalaran to make war plans, a messenger approaches you and says that Lord Lothar has ill tidings for you. While keeping watch over Hillsbrad, Uther Lightbringer and his men were attacked by a large group of Blackrock Clan soldiers. During the attack, Uther was captured and brought back to a prison camp where he was heavily guarded. The attackers left next to nothing of Hillsbrad. Only 2 farms and the 2 soldiers that had managed to defend them. You have just arrived and must rescue Uther from the prison camp and then destroy the base north of the prison camp. NOTE : You might want to follow the trail of Uther's blood.... AFTER THE VICTORY..... Uther has been rescued. No major losses for each side.