*************Encounter at Farbase******************************* by: Matt Lebel ================================================================ Title : Encounter at Farbase Filename : MLFRBASE.WAD (consists of frbsmus.wad, skye.wad, and mlfrbase.wad) Author : Matt Lebel Email Address : mldoom@aol.com Misc. Author Info : Matt is also the author of the Compcor2.zip wad series, MLSLAVE.wad, and countless other as of yet unfinished levels. Look for Techstar.wad for DOOM and MLINHELL.wad, the sequel to Compcore, for DOOM 2, COMING SOON!! Description : Farbase is the Uac's latest loss to the forces of Hell. Deep within the planet, below the base, the UAC has been conducting experiments on captured demons and imps. They've been trying to find a way to destroy them as they appear in the gates. They've done it by creating a toxin that mixes with their DNA as they materialize. Unfortunately, the base was attacked before this new discovery was duplicated or shipped off the planet. All of the scientists and marines are dead. Now the demons are using Farbase as a base of operations to launch attacks on neighboring planets. You are being deployed to eradicate the demon presence from the base. There is plenty of ammo hidden within for this type of emergency. It will not be easy. Intelligence reports that there are Barons in charge of the base. Good luck soldier!! Additional Credits to : Paul Ceasaitis, Andre and Mark Viens for playtesting. Also Norman Lin, creator of ModEdit, which I used to make the music, and John Krutke for the sky textures that he created (they are really cool!) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M6 of Original or Ultimate DOOM Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes Band-Aids : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Yes, a song I wrote called "Breach the Mind" Demos Replaced : Nope, kuz I hate those "Demo is different version than game errors" ! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch in less than 20 hours. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.2, BSP, ModEdit to create music, Mod2midi converter, Midi2mus converter, NWT to import music and to combine the separate wads. (wish i'd known how to do that when i made Compcore) Known Bugs : None that I know of. I thoroughly check and test the level before i release it, but Email me if you find anything. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Provided this file is also included, therefore giving me credit. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I like to see my name in lights, so I want my due credit! * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.members.aol.com/mldoom/mydoom BBS numbers: Software Creations (508)-368-7036 Other: America Online: Doom Forum Thanks for downloading my newest level! Hope you enjoy the carnage! -Matt P.S. I also have a personal recomendation for all of you that love Doom as much as I do: I know that I like to imagine that Doom is a virtual reality game (that scares alot of people. I mean, who would want Doom to be real?). Well I have found the greatest thing ever! The Cyber Puck! It looks like a hockey puck, and when you move your hand, you move in whatever direction you moved your hand. There is no base for it, it has a motion tracker, so you aren't held down like with a joystick.It's great! I try to get into Doom as much as possible. I play full screen with no status bar, i turn off the lights, but I hate having to depend on the keyboard or joystick! With the Cyber Puck, you only need the keyboard to change weapons! It also works great with Duke Nukem3d, Mech Warrior2, Tie Fighter, etc. In case you're interested, it's made by Forte Technologies, Inc.