================================================================ Date : May 15, 1996 Title : AUGUSTUS E1M4 Filename : PROTEK03.WAD Author : Earl L. Wiese, Jr. (aka Gandalf the Gray) Email Address : ProTek@Big12.MetroBBS.Com ProTek@BBS.APCI.Net Misc. Author Info : Senior Associate w/ProTek Computing Group. Description : This is a conversion of a Heretic WAD called Augustus, that was converted from a Doom II WAD by person or persons unknown. It was obtained from the Software Creations BBS where it had been uploaded by Brian Workman. Beyond adding Hexen "things" like, trees and such, minor changes were made to improve Deathmatch playablity. A considerable amount of time was spent making the architecture more plausible. This level is just about the right size for a 2 or 3 person Deathmatch. With 4 or more (you know 8 can play now, didn't you, of course you did) players, you'll need to keep you wits about you, or you'll be toast (or hog). Exiting through the teleport window counts the bodies & lets you restart the level anew. Interested in a real challenge? Turn monsters on and set the difficulty setting to the max. Get ready because here comes Zedek, Traductus, and Menelkir. This is definitely not a cake walk. This can be rather interesting in a Deathmatch since it is almost impossible to tell if you're fighting a NPC or one of your buddies! Additional Credits to : Raven Software, Inc., id Software, Inc., Sensor Based Systems, Inc. (the makers of DEEP), and ProTek. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : HEXEN MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, try a team Deathmatch against the NPC's. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Even a 1 player Deathmatch. Difficulty Settings : Yes, max setting enables only the NPC's. New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, but you'll have to look to find them. New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Augustus Heretic WAD, Level E1M4 Editor(s) used : DEEP v8.42 for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife construction, all in one. It also converts WADS from one type to other. What more could you ask for. Talk to Jack at 75454.733@CompuServe.Com. Known Bugs : None!! We wouldn't distribute something with a known problem in it! This WAD has been tested on a LAN with 3 workstations. We would like to know how it runs with 4 (and more) players and with modems so we can adjust our test strategy accordingly. If you find a bug, have some thoughts for improvements, or just like to chat a little, we'd like to here from you. * Copyright/Permissions * ProTek is the official copyright holder of the ProTek03.WAD file. Parts of this WAD may be used to construct other WADs providing the new WAD is distributed without cost or other consideration, credit is provided to ProTek and the Author, and the credits and ProTek's Email address are included in new WAD documentation. This permission only applies to WADs constructed for, or distributed to, other users without cost, fee, or other consideration. This WAD may be FREELY distributed by any means as long it is provided without cost or other consideration (beyond typical BBS download credits, if applicable) and this file is included "as is", without modification. Authors/companies developing WADs for profit, and/or packaging said materials for profit, such as Shareware companies & other redistribution channels, can not distribute this file without receiving PRIOR written permission to do so from ProTek. ProTek provides business solutions in engineering, computing, graphics, typesetting, quality, and statistics. ©1996 ProTek