================================================================ Title : Snott (real difficult) Filename : snott.rtl Author : Gordon Blackstock Email Address : gordon@gly.fsu.edu Misc. Author Info : First RTL attempt. Description : The idea was to make one that's fairly easy to get through both in length of time & degree of difficulty. e1 & e2 at medium difficulty takes me about 50 minutes each to go everywhere & do everything (auto run off). e3 & secret levels are building up & should be ready to be blown into yer SnottRagg soon! well, I've started to name the e3 areas at least... Additional Credits to : Barbara Moore - wada butt! Kerri Kendall - elevator girl ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : e1a1 - e1a8, e2a1 - e2a8 Single Player : Yes Comm-Bat Level : I don't use it. Difficulty Settings : Somewhat implemented (not planned out) * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Editor(s) used : RottEd v1.1 by Wayne Sikes RottCmp v1.0 - level compressor by Martin H. Smith WadUtil v1.0 - wad utilities by Derek Greentree Known Bugs : None, but I'm still working on it! So, if you find something that you think is a bug, then email me... * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (may NOT) use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You can learn more by looking at the Apogee levels, then making your own! You MAY distribute this RTL, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this RTL * FTP sites: ??? WWW at http://www.gly.fsu.edu/~gordon/rotten_page.html http://www.greenapple.com/~carnage/rott/ e1 names: a1) Runny Nose a2) Crusty Buggers a3) Green Drippins a4) Hott Snott a5) Sniff 'n Swallow a6) Flickin' Loogies a7) Fuzzy Foggy Globs a8) Nose Pickin' e2 names: a1) Stuck on the Pillow a2) Snott Soup a3) Droolin' Buggers a4) Boogah Wallz a5) Wad o' Snott a6) Bugger Blues a7) Lumpy Snott a8) Butt Snott