Thank you for trying PHRASE CRAZE! I hope that you and your users will enjoy the game. PHRASE CRAZE includes the following files: PC.TPG The Game! PC.DBF ฤฤฤฤฤฟ PCSCORES.DBF ณ PCLAST.DBF ณ Associated Database and Index Files PHRASE.DBF ณ ณ PCNAME.NDX ณ PCPOINTS.NDX ณ PCLAST.NDX ฤฤฤฤฤู LICENSE.DOC Your Registration License REGISTER.DOC Registration Form. Please Return! README.1ST You're Reading it! If this is a non-registered copy of Phrase Craze, you can run it in DEMO mode by adding "&& DEMO" to the end of the Opt Data line that calls the program. For example, if you are running the program in the c:\phrase subdirectory, you will made the menu entry c:\phrase /q && DEMO The word DEMO, in upper case, must be the last thing on the Opt Data line. In demo mode, the program will always select the same phrase. It it meant mainly so that you can see what the program looks like. ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ IMPORTANT: Read this paragraph if you read nothing else! บ บ บ บ The first user who plays PHRASE CRAZE will have the power to delete บ บ players. If you want that to be you, make sure you are the first บ บ user. บ บ บ บ If you are upgrading from a previous version, the game will reset. บ บ If you want to keep your current and last month scores intact, บ บ rename the files: บ บ PCSCORES.DBF บ บ PCLAST.DBF บ บ PCNAME.NDX บ บ PCPOINTS.NDX and บ บ PCLAST.NDX บ บ to something else, then AFTER THE GAME HAS BEEN PLAYED AT LEAST บ บ ONCE, copy them back to the original names. บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ OVERVIEW: PHRASE CRAZE is a multi-player game in which players compete against each other to complete a hidden phrase. Each player is given one play per day to guess the hidden phrase. He/she has five guesses per play. A player may either guess the phrase or select a letter. If the player guesses the correct phrase, his/her running score in increased by the amount of points allotted and the next player will be presented with a new phrase. If the player chooses to guess a single letter, the phrase is checked for that letter and, if correct, the blanks will be replaced by the letter selected. After five guesses without guessing the phrase, the current player must exit the game with no points and the next player will have a chance at it just as the last player left it (blanks filled in). The nature of the game demands that only one user play the game at a given time. If another user requests the game at the same time, he/she will be advised that someone else is playing and to try a little later. This game has no Sysop configuration. The user defaults are that it can only be played once a day and the user can only have five guesses per play. INSTALLATION: It is recommended that you place PHRASE CRAZE in its own subdirectory. This is not absolutely necessary, but it is recommended. All .TPG, .DBF and .NDX file MUST be in the same subdirectory. You will have to add a TYPE 200 entry to the menu you wish to call the program. Under optional data, be sure to enter a path to the game as well as PC (for example: Opt Data = c:\games\phrase\pc). MAINTENANCE: The first player to play PHRASE CRAZE will automatically be entered in the database (PC.DBF) as the sysop. Please make sure it is you. The sysop has the ability to delete any player. This is primarily used in the event a "bad name" gets past your otherwise excellent security and you don't want future callers to see it in the list of Top Ten players. SUPPORT: PLEASE FILL OUT THE REGISTRATION FORM (REGISTER.DOC) AND MAIL IT IN!!! Your registration will NOT be complete until that form is returned. Support for PHRASE CRAZE is provided on DownTown! BBS, Durham NC 919-383-4905. A message area has been set aside in the TDBS/TBBS support area for use by registered users of all programs available through Faulkner Software and/or DownTown! BBS. When you first log on for support, please leave a message to SYSOP, requesting access. Please let me know the program and registration number. You will have 30 minutes on your first call. This will be increased once your request for access has been validated. CHANGES TO v1.1: The first of the month rollover to reset the scores is now automatic on the first play of the month. Players can now view the current and previous months top ten from within Phrase Craze so there is no need for separate menu entries. The sysop can now delete players from the database from within the program so there is no need for a separate menu entry. The display has been colorized. There was a glitch in the random number function which prevented all the phrases from being used. That has been fixed. Duplicate phrases have been eliminated. Some phrases had spelling errors. New phrases have been added to bring the total to over 500. (In version 1.0, only a little over 300 phrases were ever actually used.) Players can now view the instructions from within the program. The usual small bug fixes and a few minor enhancements. CHANGES TO v1.2 The last phrase solved and the name of the person solving it is displayed along with current high scorer when a player starts the program. Over 300 new phrases have been added, bringing the total to over 800. (Sorry, you can't use the v1.2 database with v1.0 or v1.1. You can; however, use the earlier databases with v1.2 in case you've made your own.) Player's no longer have to guess - or '. Support for punctuation (.,;:!-?) has also been added. If you have v1.0 or v1.1, you can upgrade to v1.2 for $20. GENERAL: All comments and/or suggestions are welcome. I am particularly interested in suggestions for new games, utilities or other programs that would be of interest to all TDBS Sysops. I am also interested in doing custom programming in TDBS and/or TBBS. Again, thank you for purchasing PHRASE CRAZE! Tom Faulkner BBS Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 3079 Durham, NC 27712 919-403-9473 voice DownTown! BBS 919-383-4905 TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: TDBS and TBBS are registered trademarks of eSoft, Inc. Phrase Craze is copyright 1991 by Tom Faulkner