Our catalog is now available on out WorldWideWeb Site at www.gwabbs.com. You can browse our catalog online, noting product numbers, and then very quickly telnet to the more secure BBS using a telnet client like NetTerm. Once in the BBS you can access the Online SalesMaster System, search for the products you are interested in and place your order. For most of our enhancement products your order will be filled within hours and you will find the software you ordered attached to a message for you when you log back in to the system. NetTerm is available as shareware directly from our site, and we strongly recommend you pay the outrageous amount of $21.50 they ask. NetTerm is a client you can easily link to Netscape or Mosaic or your favorite browser that allows you to link to a telnet client and it supports ANSI, ZModem file transfers, cursor keys and other capabilities we have become dependent on. A telnet session using NetTerm is very much like dialing in via modem, making it quite easy for you and for your users to adapt to. Make NetTerm available to your users and suggest they register it, we need to do all we can to assure the wonderful tools we have available at a low cost will be always available. Please drop by www.gwabbs.com and browse our catalog. As always, we want to know what you think we could do to improve the site.