[The Essential Garden] [Marketplace] [Table of Contents] [Prev ] [Prev ] [About WBJ] January / February *Current Issue* Special Personal stories of healing cancer with Essiac tea: My brother was diagnosed one year ago with very, very severe leukemia. His doctors immediately started him on chemotherapy. He had two full treatments of chemo, then a third full treatment in a four week period. The chemo made him look deathly ill. My sister and I were appalled. he looked like death itself. His hair was gone, including his eyelashes, and this once vital, large man of over six feet lay in his hospital bed in a fetal position, shaking from the chemotherapy. The doctors in the oncology group told him he would die in the hospital if he stayed, or he could go home and die. My sister is a nurse, and she determined to save my brother. She knew of an herbal remedy for cancer called Essiac, and she asked the doctor to approve her bringing Essiac into the hospital to give to our brother. He cleared the way with the hospital authorities, since he felt there was nothing else he could do. My brother began taking Essiac and 10 drops of Pau 'D Arco herbal formula each day, once in the morning and once in the eve. His blood count was at 4,800 (10,000 is normal). Within one week of the Essiac treatment he was not only alive his blood count was at 10,800. In one more week his blood count was up to 14,000--4,000 higher than normal. My brother had begun the Essiac treatment in August of 1992. After the Essiac treatments and monitoring of this dramatic rise in his blood count in two weeks, despite the destruction the chemotherapy had wrought earlier, the doctors let him go home. My brother was so healthy by January that he and his wife went on a four month cruise around the world. I think the doctors today are too know-it-all. They were far better in the olden days when they were family practitioners. They knew about a lot then. Now they only know a little. The cancer doctors are so specialized all they know is chemotherapy. My brother today (August, 1993) looks wonderful. He is very healthy, active and robust, and he feels wonderful. He is planning another world cruise with his wife. I have to withhold my name, because he and his wife do not want a lot of people calling about his experience, as neither they nor I wish to recall the terrible ordeal we had with the chemotherapy. I love my brother very much, we are very close, and I just thank God for simple things like Essiac, and all the people all over who prayed for his recovery. --Name withheld by request -------------------------------------------------- Having experienced a lifetime of ill health, including eight major operations, I turned my attention to nutrition and natural healing methods a few years back. In early 1992 I made a life-style decision to return home to Seattle and continue my career of over 25 years as director of sales and marketing in a local hotel. It was shortly thereafter that I escorted my mother to the outpatient clinic of a local hospital to have a small lump removed from her parotid gland on the left side of her face. What a shock when the doctors found advanced lymphoma cancer throughout her body. Hoping somehow I could help, I accepted the challenge, quit my job, and devoted myself to caring for mother, never knowing what the outcome might be. I immediately began researching volumes of books looking for some unknown answer. A program of nutritional supplementation and natural food diet was begun, in addition to chiropractic care, positive thought, and humor therapy. It was extremely tense as the doctors began chemotherapy. In fact, mother was taken to the emergency room six times in the first month. Being 80, it was probably her strong heart that kept her alive and with me to tell her story today. Dancing and teaching others to stay well through dance had kept her going strong all her life. Letters with prayers for her improved health poured in and a friend sent an article about ``Essiac'' tea. Hopeful that this herbal formula could somehow help, I went searching for the ingredients, brewed the tea, and added it to her growing list of nutritional supplements. On Christmas Eve, 1992, three months after my mother's diagnosis of lymphoma, the doctors pronounced that my mother was not just in remission but cancer-free! While we will probably never know what cured her of this dreaded disease, we feel in our hearts that nutrition played a major role. After my mother could fare for herself, I returned to the hotel business and continue to monitor her nutritional program to this day. My mother now takes ``E-Tea'' daily in capsule form. She is still cancer-free after two years! She returned to the University of Washington chemotherapy center shortly after she was told her cancer was gone and danced for the patients at the hospital in order to encourage them never to lose hope. What a trooper! --J. Candy Arnold, Bellevue, Washington -------------------------------------------------- Our family was devastated when my mother-in-law, Myrna, informed us that she had been diagnosed with cancer. In her case, it was ovarian cancer that had spread to the lymph glands and then into the lungs. It was diagnosed as inoperative, and the doctors told her to get her affairs in order. After a hysterectomy, they said, she would have about six months to live. The tumors in her lungs were too numerous to remove. My sister-in-law asked if there was some nutritional approach that might slow the progress of the disease. The doctor assured her there was none. Desperate, I bought several books on alternative cancer therapies, but I found them either too complicated, geographically removed, or too different to interest my mother-in-law. My prayers became more intense as I watched her arrange her estate and begin journeying to distant old friends ``to say good-bye.'' Then one day I felt prompted to call my father. Curiously, he had been listening to a Dr. Glum on the radio, who described an herbal remedy with an amazing success rate. Dr. Glum was from California, and the story he told of this herbal remedy, originally from an Ojibway medicine man from Canada, was remarkable. Dr. Glum said he was not allowed to reveal the formula by any other means than video tape. California laws prohibit sharing cancer remedies that are outside the traditional AMA recommendations. By releasing the formula in movie form, Dr. Glum felt he was protected under the Constitutional lawsprotecting freedom of speech. My father noted the telephone number, but had not called me about it, fearing I would laugh at the suggestion. I immediately called Dr. Glum. The remedy was so simple and straightforward I knew my mother-in-law could at least try it. My sister-in-law and I searched the herbal markets for the ingredients, and Grandma began taking a little of the tea each night. We held our breaths. Her doctor was giving her a new hormonal therapy. He hoped it might slow the progress of her disease. But, both he and my mother-in-law's nursing cousin assured her it would be wise not to get her hopes up. Yet, the weekly x-rays began indicating something they did not expect. Little by little the tumors in her lungs stabilized...and they began to diminish. The nursing staff at the doctor's office reacted in awe as week after week the tumors began disappearing and her blood count returned to normal. After several months, one nurse, looking at her x-rays, asked her what her problem was, then told her it could not be cancer. Only after double checking my mother-in-law's chart did the nurse return to apologize. ``You were in real trouble!'' she said. A little more than a year after beginning Essiac, the doctor called to tell Myrna she was an official miracle. Her charts showed no indication of cancer in any system. Myrna never told him about Essiac. To date (11-14-95) there has been no recurrence of the disease that had first shown itself five years earlier. --J.R., Kirkland, Washington -------------------------------------------------- (Well Being Journal would like to publish your stories of healing, from whatever method you used. To send your personal healing story for publication, mail to: Personal Stories, Well Being Journal, P.O. Box 1542, North Bend, WA 98045. Writers receive $25 and a free subscription on publication.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Essential Garden] [Marketplace] [Table of Contents] [Prev ] [Prev ] [About WBJ] Tell us what you think Copyright (C) 1995 by Well Being Journal and The Essential Garden. All rights reserved.