A Spyral production ÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÞÛÛÛÛÛ Þ ÞÛ Þ Þ ÞÛ ÞÜÜ ÞÛ Þ ÞÜÜ ÞÛ Þ ÝÞÛ Þ Þ Ý ÞÛÛÛÛÛ Þ ÝÞÛÛÛÛÛ Þ ÞÜÜÝ ßßßßß ßßßßß JUNE PATCH INFO FILE ChLib is Copyright (C) Giovanni Bajo and Mattia Barbetti, 1995-96 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ú ù ú ù ÄÅÄ ù ú ÛÛ DISCLAIMER ù ÛÛ ú ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²±±±±±±°°°°°° This product is provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind: the author of this program cannot be held liable for any defects in the executable nor in the documentation nor in any other files contained in this package. Any damage directly or indirectly caused by the use/misuse of ChLib is the sole responsibility of the user her/himself. In other words: ChLib never formatted my harddisk, nor killed my cat, so I suppose it won't cause any damage to your system either, but, just in case, do not blame me if something nasty happens. ú ù ú ù ÄÅÄ ù ú ÛÛ GENERAL INFO ù ÛÛ ú ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²±±±±±±°°°°°° The packet CHD-JU6.ZIP (extension may change) contains all the stuff needed to update the ChLib May release (the date of your release is displayed on the top of the screen by the official browser). First of all, it contains the new version of CHPATCH.EXE (1.1). Version 1.0 has a little bug that makes his use impossible. Sorry, but I did not found it during during betatesting for a my fault. However, this version works correctly, and so I hope I would not release a new one in the next update. The file JUNE.UPD contains all the modified and new data that will be applyed to your data file. Applying the patch is very simple: decompress the ZIP packet in your ChLib directory (**OVERWRITING** ALL the existing files, this is very important) and type in CHPATCH JUNE at the DOS prompt. The packet also contains a new version of the ChLib manual and of the official browser manual, an updated list of the distribution sites and a new CHINFO.COM info file. We will not release an August version since we are on holiday and we want to rest; however we assure you that the July update will be very very BIG. ú ù ú ù ÄÅÄ ù ú ÛÛ CONTACTING THE AUTHORS ù ÛÛ ú ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²±±±±±±°°°°°° Name: Giovanni "RàskY" Bajo Mattia "MB" Barbetti E-Mail: rasky@shock.nervous.com Fidonet: Giovanni Bajo 2:332/125.33 Snail: Giovanni Bajo Mattia Barbetti Via Allori 37 Via Spinello Aretino 5 50127 Firenze (FI) 50143 Firenze (FI) ITALY ITALY