@MAPTOLOAD @width=220 ^^Select Map File to Load @MAPTOEDIT @width=220 ^^COLONIZATION MAP EDITOR ^^Copyright (C) 1994 by Microprose Software ^ ^^Select Map File to Edit ^^(ESC to create new map) @SAVE @default=1 @width=190 Save latest changes to %STRING0? Yes No @LOAD @default=2 @width=190 There are unsaved changes to %STRING0. Do you want to lose these changes? Yes No @ERROR @width=190 An error has occurred. @EXIT @default=3 @width=190 There are unsaved changes to %STRING0. Exit without saving. Save changes and exit. Cancel. @SAVEAS @width=190 Enter new name for %STRING0. Name: @CREATENOW @default=2 @width=190 There are unsaved changes to %STRING0. Do you want to lose these changes? Yes No @NEWNAME @width=190 Enter name for new map file. Name: @XS @width=190 Enter width for new map file. Width: @YS @width=190 Enter height for new map file. Height: @CONTINENTS1 @width=190 Warning: Map has more than 15 continents. @CONTINENTS2 @width=190 Warning: Map has more than 15 oceans. @HELP1 @width=300 @smallfont ^^GENERAL INFORMATION ^ This map editor will allow you to create predefined maps for use with Colonization. The usual procedure is to create a blank map and then use the mouse or keyboard to "{paint}" it with terrain. The {menu tile select} or {M} function allows you to pick a terrain type to paint with. Other features offered include a {coastline protect} which disallows painting on ocean tiles. That way, you can determine the shape of your continents by painting them with a single terrain type while the coastline protect is off; then, turn coastline protect on and you can paint the proper terrain types onto your continents without risk of changing their shaopes. {Fill mode} allows you to paint broad areas at a single stroke. ^ We recommend that you create maps with no more than 15 distinct land masses. More than 15 land masses will work, but it may confuse the computer players. @HELP2 @width=300 @smallfont ^^MOUSE COMMANDS ^ To change the view, simply click either mouse button in the main map area to cause the view to center on that location. Or, click on the miniature world map. ^ To {paint} with the currently selected terrain type, hold down the {shift key} while pressing the {left} mouse button. If your currently selected terrain type is {rivers}, mountains, or hills, that terrain feature will be added on top of the underlying terrain. If you want a river to empty into an ocean square, you must put a "river" in that ocean square. Rivers must be at least two tiles long. ^ If you have selected {rivers}, mountains, or hills, hold down the {shift key} while pressing the {right} mouse button to remove rivers/mtns/hills from the selected square. ^ Otherwise, the shift key plus the right mouse button causes the terrain type under the cursor to be {picked up}; it then becomes the selected terrain type for future drawing. @HELP3 @width=220 @smallfont ^^KEYBOARD COMMANDS ^ ^The {arrow} keys move the cursor around the map. ^The {Z} and {X} keys control the zoom level. ^The {C} key centers the map on the current cursor location. ^The {M} key allows you to select a terrain type to paint with. ^The {P} key toggles coastline protect mode. ^The {F} key changes the "Fill Radius" (0-2 spaces around cursor). ^ ^The {space} or {enter} key paints with the current terrain type. ^The {backspace} key picks up the terrain at the cursor location. ^ If you have selected {rivers, mountains, or hills}, the {space} key or {enter} key adds that type to the current square; the {backspace} key removes that type from the current square. @HELP4 @width=220 @smallfont ^^SPECIAL COMMANDS ^ {Coastline Protect}: while coastline protect is on, no changes can be made to any ocean tiles. This is useful when you have used a single terrain type to shape your continents; turn coastline protect on to protect that shape while you paint your continents with the appropriate terrain. ^ {Fill Radius}: normally, the fill radius is 0, when means that when you paint you change only the cursor square. With a fill radius of 1, the cursor square and all the immediately adjacent squares are painted. The fill radius can be set as high as 2. ^ {Find Continents}: when this function is activated, the computer will check your map to see if it can recognize your continents properly. You can play on a map without proper continents, but the AI may become slightly "dumber" and it may be harder for units to find paths in "Go To" mode. @HELP5 @width=220 @smallfont ^^HOW TO USE PLAYER-CREATED MAPS ^ To play Colonization using a map you have created, run the game normally (you must have the version of viceroy.exe distributed with this editor; earlier versions do not support this feature). From the main menu, select "Start Game in AMERICA". A second menu will appear asking if you wish to play on the original map or a mapeditor-created map. Select map editor. Then select the map you wish to play on. ^ Normally, the game will place indian villages randomly. It is possible, however, to preassign the general locations of specific tribes if you want to create a historical scenario. Create a file with the same name as your map, but with the extension .MPP (if your map is CARIB.MP, then create CARIB.MPP). Use the file TRIBE.TXT, which defines the indian locations for the America map, as your model. Do not place more than 84 indian villages. @ABOUT @width=220 ^^Colonization Map Editor ^ ^^Copyright (c) 1994 by Microprose Software ^ ^^Programming by Brian Reynolds ^^Documentation by Jeff Briggs