If you did not obtain this file from PowerQuest Corporation we recommend that you contact one of our distribution sites to obtain the latest patch file. Also make sure you use the correct patch file to update your system. To verify that you have the correct patch, click the "ABOUT" button (v-1.xx) or select "HELP" then "ABOUT" (v-2.xx) in PartitionMagic to verify which version you have. The first three digits of your version number should correspond with the first three digits of the patch. The last three numbers in the patch represent the version you are upgrading to. The first letter of the patch, represents the language of the version you are using (E = English, G = German). The second letter in the patch represents the operating system you are using (W = WIN95, O = OS/2). The distribution sites include: anonymous ftp: /pub directory at ftp.powerquest.com World Wide Web: http://www.powerquest.com/download.html PowerQuest Corporation BBS at (801)226-5608 In the PartitionMagic conference under the Updates file directory CompuServe: In the OS2AVEN forum in Conference Room 1 - Other Vendors The files being distributed with this ZIP file include: PQPATCH.BAT PATCH.EX_ PATCH.RTP READ_ME.TXT Please copy these file to your PQMAGIC directory if you have not already done so. NOTE: These files will be deleted from the PQMAGIC directory once the patch is installed. Once in the PQMAGIC directory type the following to patch your current version of PartitionMagic: PQPATCH Do not copy the patch files to your distribution floppies. You can copy the updated files to additional floppies for backup after the patch has been applied. After you have applied the patch, copy the following files to a new set of floppies. All other files are no longer necessary for version 2.03.221 and can be deleted. OS/2, Windows 95, Windows & Dos Version. Note: PQDATA.001 should be on both diskettes. Disk 1 PQDATA.001 PQDPM.DAT PQMAGICD.EXE PQMAGICD.ICO PQMAGICD.OVL PQMAGICD PQMAGICD.PQG README.TXT SETUP.BAT Disk 2 IOTEST.EXE IOTEST.TXT PARTINFO.EXE PQDATA.001 PQHELP.DAT PQMAGIC.EXE PQMAGICT.EXE SNUTIL.EXE If you have any questions with the above procedure please call PowerQuest technical support at (801)226-6834 (8am-5pm Mountain Time), Internet email at support@powerquest.com, or CompuServe 74601,354.