New in File Commander/2 v1.41 ============================= New Features o More intelligent execution of external programs including DOS session settings and starting of seamless Win-OS/2 programs. o Netware & LAN requester (inc. Peer) drive mapping added to INFO panel. o Editor can detect & save text in UNIX format (LF terminated) o User Menu: !i"Question" substitutes for a value input from the user with specified prompt. o User Menu: !@ substitutes for the name of a temp file containing list of tagged files o All ! operators allowed in User Menus are now available on the command line. Minor Enhancements o File names starting with '_' appear at the top of the directory list. o Bright backgrounds are now allowed. o Retry option on deleting 'in use' directory. Bug Fixes o Pressing Ctrl-PageUp at a root directory would incorrectly zero the tagged file count. o View & Edit: F7 woudn't work as search again. o Info: drive capacity / free space can now display > 4GB o PageUp/Down wouldn't work in the File Find list box. o Shift-Del on numeric keypad with NumLock off now works as Cut in editor. o Creating a directory at the root of a drive from tree view would fail. o Creating a directory at the root of a drive kills tree data. o Drive change with 'd:' in user menu would fail. o {Shift,Alt}-{F3,F4} would die if the panel was completely empty. o Renaming a file that has a description would bomb. o Reverse search in viewer would start at the top of the current page, should start at the bottom. o UNC paths can now be given as the destination directory of a copy/move command. o Renaming a file that had a 4DOS/4OS2 description would bomb FC/2