License agreement for Your Extended Attribute Helper, YEAH. =========================================================== YEAH, its compiled library, source code, and documentation, is licensed to you under the following license agreement. Use or distribution of YEAH constitutes your acceptance of that agreement. YEAH, the compiled library, source code and, documentation, is the copyrighted material of Bj”rn Fahller. Under this licence, you may: 1. Redistribute YEAH in any way for and shape, suitable to you, as long as the original contents remain unchanged and that the redistribution is free (fees to cover media and transfer costs are allowed.) 2. Use YEAH, in your applications, be they free, shareware, educational or commercial. 3. Write and publish additional classes to YEAH, as long as those additional classes are published with the same licence constraints as YEAH. 4. Make proprietary changes to YEAH, provided you do not redistribute YEAH with those changes. Warranty. --------- BECAUSE YEAH IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. USE YEAH AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT SHALL BJ™RN FAHLLER BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DUE TO THE USE, ABUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE, YEAH.