VBPRINT Library v2.00 by Robert Simpson (Black Castle Software, LLC) Released to the public domain on 05/23/1996 This program is specifically tailored for Visual Basic Programmers, allowing greater and easier access to Windows printer devices. Features include: Access to the printer's ExtDeviceMode() function call to get/set printer settings & open the printer's setup dialog box Ability to change paper bins/orientation on the fly via VBResetDC() function Can query the printer driver via DeviceCapabilities() to get types of paper bins, paper sizes, available resolutions, etc Get/Set default Windows printer Get all available printers Full source code for the DLLs 3-flavors: 16 bit version works with VB3 and VB4/16bit 16 bit version made for VB4/16bit 32 bit version made for VB4/32bit All versions are fully Win3.x and Win95 compatible (not tested on WinNT, but it probably works just fine...I hope!) Enjoy! Robert Simpson Programmer at Large BC Software Phx, AZ simpson@primenet.com