FALL OF JERICHO VERSION 3.0 Presented to you by: SONsoft P.O. Box 327 Gilcrest, CO 80623 USA ABOUT SONSOFT SONsoft is a Christian Computer Software Company committed to bringing you the finest in Bible Educational Games. In order to give everyone the opportunity to play the games regardless of financial status, we have offered the games free of charge. SONsoft is supported by donations. If the Lord prompts you to help in this ministry then please be obedient. Continued support will ensure that more Bible games will be released for everyone to enjoy and learn from. TO START THE GAME From the DOS prompt, change to the directory that you installed the game in. Type JERICHO to start the game. Follow the instructions on screen to play the game. TROUBLESHOOTING WINDOWS PROBLEMS...Jericho is a DOS program. You may run the game from Windows if you like. The sound and animation timing may be a little off but it should not be a problem. MEMORY PROBLEMS...You must have about 512K free memory for the game to run. If you receive the out of memory error then you must free some up and then try again. Refer to your DOS manual on ways to free up some more memory. The out of memory error refers to RAM in your machine, not free space on your hard disk. NOTE: If you receive an out of memory error, try reducing the number of players and try again. The more players, the more memory required. Have fun, Michael Gale