README FILE FOR WINLOGO for Win3.1x and Win95 ---------------------------------------------- WINLOGO is a program for Windows 3.1x and Windows 95 which allows users to change the Windows startup logo by a simple menu selection. It thus makes it easy to customise Windows by substituting company logos, funny pictures, etc., for the default logo that comes with Windows or Windows 95 itself. INSTALLATION ------------ To install WINLOGO, all you need to do is to copy the files into a directory that is in the "PATH", and then create a program manager item (or Win95 start menu item) for WINLOGO.EXE. The files in this package are; [a] "WINLOGO.EXE", the "bound" executable (contains both a DOS and a Windows module built-in) [b] "WINLOGO.INI", the INI file [c] "WINLOGO.TXT", the documentation file (ASCII FORMAT) [d] "WINLOGO.HLP", the HELP file (Windows HLP format) [e] "CTL3D.DLL", library file needed by WINLOGO.EXE Needs to be in a directory in the "path" [f] "REGISTER.TXT", info about registration, and registration sites [g] "ORDER.FRM", a fill-in registration form [h] "HISTORY.TXT", the history of WINLOGO development [i] "README.TXT", this file [j] "RLES.EXE", a self-extracting compressed file containing some sample 3rd party RLE bitmaps files. To extract these files, just type "RLES" and press . Note that you need at least 400k of free disk space for these RLE bitmaps. [k] "WIN95BMP.ZIP", sample (not very good) BMPs for Win95 usage [l] "FILE_ID.DIZ", description file for BBS sysops. After the program files are installed, you need to; Edit the file WINLOGO.INI if you have installed the program into a directory other than C:\WINLOGO. You need to supply the name of the WINLOGO directory on the RLE-DIRECTORY line. This is where WINLOGO will look for the RLE bitmaps to use. Otherwise, it will default to your Windows System directory. --------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. A. Olowofoyeku 268 Horwood Newcastle Staffs ST5 5BQ ENGLAND. E-mail: ------- Internet: