Neko for Windows95 ------------------ Written by David Harvey (Converted from X-Window source) Description: Neko is a little cat who sits on the desktop and chases the mouse pointer around. Scientific tests have proved that Neko actually increases productivity* *lie Running Neko: To run neko, just double click on the "Neko95" icon. Running neko a second time will close Neko, removing him from your now dull, boring desktop. Alternative Images: Neko95 supports external image libraries. A tabby version has been included, (tabbylib.dll) but you can create your own using any program which allows you to make icon libraries. To use the external library, you need specify the name of the library as the first and only parameter on Neko's command line, ie: Neko95 Doggie.DLL Where Doggie.DLL is a precreated library for Neko95. Note: you can also use shell32.dll or cool.dll for some really wierd pet cats. Problems: If the image library could not be found, no icons are displayed. You will be warned if there are not enough icons in the file. If there is heavy processing in the system, Neko95 will sometimes flicker. This is unavoidable. If a window is being dragged/resized and full window drag is not enabled, Neko will vanish for the duration of the drag. This is also unavoidable. A similar effect occurs when doing any drag and drop operation. Copyright: Neko for Windows 95 is freeware and is TOTALLY UNSUPPORTED - you use this program at your own risk. Information: Apparently, Bill Gates used to have a copy of the 16 bit version running on his desktop!