This is The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME: FULL RELEASE (This is The DOOR GAME Version of The Arkhaim Asylum..!) File: AsyDv204.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME..! Gama Version) File: AsyDv203.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME..!Beta) File: AsyDv202.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME..! Beta Version) File: AsyDv201.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME..! Beta Version) File: AsyDv200.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME..! Beta Version) File: AsyIv200.Zip (Is the Finished and FULL RELEASE...! Of The Arkhaim Asylum IGM For LORD..! Alpha Version) The only difference from the DOOR GAME & The IGM is: The DOOR GAME version: Is a Stand Alone Door Game. Can run and be played on (AsyDv204.Zip) its own...! Also it is 85% bigger in the realms...! Has 95% more interative things to do in it..! The IGM version: Requires the door game: LORD (Legend Of The Red Dragon) To be (AsyIv201.Zip) run and played...! Files needed to run the DOOR GAME Version of The Arkhaim Asylum are: Asylume.exe { Main Asylum Program: The Arkhaim Asylum } AsyCfg.exe { Configuration, Player editing, Utilities, etc..} Asylume.ovr { Contains info for game} The Arkhaim Asylum DOOR GAME Version will create the other files it needs..! =============================================================================== HISTORY Of The Arkhaim Asylum: A Chapter Of Ones Mind ASYDV204.ZIP * To Update from The Arkhaim Asylum V2.00, V2.01, V2.02, & V2.03, You have to run ASYPATCH.EXE in order for the conversion to V2.04 to work. Just copy the files into the same directory as your older version The Arkhaim Asylu files are in and run: ASYPATCH.EXE..! (The ASYPATCH.EXE is a must and can not be ignored..! This is NOT A COPY OVER THEN PLAY UPGRADE! RUN ASYPATCH.EXE FIRST..!) * The ASYPLYR.DAT file has undergone a lot of new changes. The Player Characters are now way decked out in more detailed Stuff..! * Added a DELETE PLAYER feature inside the ASYCFG.EXE in the Player Editor. Now you can delete Players and remove them from the ASYPLYR.DAT file... Because you wish it or the Player has asked you too..! * Added a Race catagory for the Player... Now He/She can choose to be one of the following: Human, Elf, Ogre, Orc, Kender, Dwarf,Gnome, Goblin, Minator, Troll, and Sprite. [** NOTE **] each race is different on its own..! ie: Sanity Levels, Hit Points, Charm Points, Strengths, Deffence, Magical Objects On-Hand (Rings,staffs,wands, rods,potions), Gold, and Diamonds.! This adds more difference in characters so all Player Characters are not the same, more variety..!. * Added Feature to edit the Players Race inside the Player Editor of the ASYCFG.EXE..! * Now added what Race the other player is when a Player online views to see what the other players stats look like. The same with his/her own..! * Added Race Manouver Inside the fighting areas...! Now you can use special manouvers to kill your opponents in the game..! * Added Edit Race Manouver inside the Player Editor of ASYCFG.EXE [** NOTE **] if changing Race, the Editor will change the Race manouvers to the max number allowed for that race. If the race manouvers are lower then the Max for the new race, then the race manouvers will stay the same. * Added Marry a Player...! Now you can Marry someone else in the game. It is located in Darwins Mail Servieces Area..! * Added Divorce Feature when reading Proposal mail from another player. Now if you choose to marry another and you are already married. You can kick your husband/wife to the curb and marry another..! This feature is when you read mail/write proposal mail from/to another player of The Arkhaim Asylum. * Added A View Who's Married Feature to let you know who all is Married inside The Arkhaim Asylum..! * If a Player is married to someone and one of them dies, when maintenance runs... The living Husband/Wife will get the Gold and Diamonds from the Descest. * Addes a feature to let you change who a player is married to inside the Player Editor of the ASYCFG.EXE...! * Added a feature to fix any marriage screw-ups in the game. called (M)arriages Needed To Be Fixed. This little baby will set all players inside the ASYPLYR.DAT file to SINGLE Status.! * If a Player is Deleted... Maded it so that the Ordinary Mail and Proposal Mail is fixed to the right Players and so someone else doesn't get anothers Mail bundle..! * Maintenance in the game is now 95% Faster then whence it was.! * Tweeked the Maintenance inside the ASYCFG.EXE, it now runs 95% Faster then whence it was..! * Twiddled with the: Fix On Now inside the ASYCFG.EXE, it is now opporating at a 97% Faster increase rate as whence it was before..! * The Reset Game inside the ASYCFG.EXE is now running 97% Faster! Found out that if you write the code in both Spanish, French, German, Swedish, and English (As long as it is writen in 5 different languages..!) the code will run much faster..! * Added an OBITUARIES Section inside the game so players can see who all has died recently in the game. Located in: Darwin's Mail Services Area..! ASYDV203.ZIP * Put in search of names so Players don't have the same Heroic Names as each other. * Put in option to change name after input, incase Player doesn't like the look of the name or has missed spelled it. * Added Version of The Arkhaim Asylum Door Game to bottom of the LOCAL Status bar. * The Arkhaim Asylum now lets you know when someone else enters the game or leaves the game. * The Arkhaim Asylum now lets you know when someone on another node has just died in the game. ASYDV202.ZIP * Put a RESET GAME Function into The Arkhaim Asylum's ASYCFG.EXE. * Explained in the Documentation that the MORE PROMPT will all the time show..! It is there to let the Player know when to press a Key. ASYDV201.ZIP * Fixed the problem with viewing your stats anywhere in the game. You didn't have to press "Q" to exit the status area. Now you do..! * Made the waiting process available in the UnderWorld available. ASYDV200.ZIP * Thought to have no bugs... Boy was I wrong...! =============================================================================== FIRMBBS1.ZIP---\ FIRMBBS2.ZIP |----> Demos Of The Firm BBS The Maker of The Arkhaim Asylum FIRMDM06.ZIP---/ The Arkhaim Asylum was Created and Programed By: Christian Danychuk Compiled On: August/05/1996