MAKEISO.EXE - ISO9660 Image File Formatter >>> PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <<< MAKEISO.EXE will build an ISO9660 compatible image file from one or more data files. This image file can then be recorded onto a CD-R disc with either FILE2CD.EXE or DAO.EXE. *********************************************************************** >>> COMMAND LINE USAGE <<< Usage: MAKEISO [drive:][path] [/HIDDEN] [/VOLUME=label] filename - Input filename (wildcards allowed) imagefile - Output ISO9660 image filename /HIDDEN - Process hidden files /VOLUME - Volume label (maximum 32 characters) e.g. MAKEISO *.DOC TEST.ISO e.g. MAKEISO C:\TEST\*.* TEST.ISO /HIDDEN /VOLUME=MY_FILES The first 11 characters of the volume label will be returned as the volume label from all DOS/Windows system calls and utilities. For fastest speed, the output image file should be written to a different harddrive than the source files are on. This will eliminate the head movement between reading the input files and writing the output file. *********************************************************************** >>> CURRENT RESTRICTIONS <<< The currect version of MAKEISO will only process one directory of files. It will not recurse through any subdirectories. *********************************************************************** >>> HOW TO USE MAKEISO <<< The following examples will show you how to create an ISO9660 compatible CD with either FILE2CD.EXE or DAO.EXE. EXAMPLE 1: Create an ISO9660 compatible CD with FILE2CD.EXE 1) MAKEISO C:\TEST\*.* TEST.ISO /VOLUME=MY_FILES 2) FILE2CD TEST.ISO /ISO9660 ======================================================================== EXAMPLE 2: Create an ISO9660 compatible CD with DAO.EXE (for all recorders *except* Philips/HP). 1) MAKEISO C:\TEST\*.* TEST.ISO /VOLUME=MY_FILES 2) Write a CUE SHEET called TEST.CUE that contains the following... FILE TEST.ISO MODE1 2048 TRACK 01 INDEX 01 00:00:00 POSTGAP 3) DAO TEST.CUE ======================================================================== EXAMPLE 3: Create an ISO9660 compatible CD using DAO.EXE (for Philips/HP recorders only!) 1) MAKEISO C:\TEST\*.* TEST.ISO /VOLUME=MY_FILES 2) ISO2RAW TEST.ISO TEST.RAW 3) Write a CUE SHEET called TEST.CUE that contains the following... FILE TEST.RAW MODE1 2352 TRACK 01 INDEX 01 00:00:00 POSTGAP 4) DAO TEST.CUE ********************************************************************** Please send all suggestions, comments, and bug reports to... Jeff Arnold 125 Indian Rock Road Merrimack, NH 03054 Phone: 603-424-0269 FAX : 603-429-0073 URL : EMAIL: ********************************************************************** Updated on SEPTEMBER 1, 1996