----------------- Logmaster Manual v. 2.3 ----------------- 1. Introduction. 2. Gettin' started. 3. Problems. 4. LOGMASTER IS CARDWARE. <-----READ THIS!!!! 5. System requirements. 6. Compatibility (WIN95 / OS/2?). 7. History. 8. Future Features. 9. Security tips. 10. Uninstalling Logmaster. 11. Legal stuff. 12. Credits. 13. Greetings. 14. Our addresses. \--(1)--(Introduction)--/ Logmaster was at the beginning just an programming test for myself. And it has, since I began programming, been a dream of mine to be able to make a log / protection program. Logmaster was at first only a ploy, usable only as a log program. During the long way of developing it became more and more secure. As it is now, we class it as one of the finest programs on the market (Well, we made it, and we are only human!:). Logmaster is made by ASHA'MAN during the summer of 1996. ASHA'MAN is so far only two people: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Handle: |Real Name: |Occupation: |Age:|Groupfunction:| | | | | | OWL |Erik Nordman |Student (Nature Science) |17 |Coder (Pascal)| Dai Shan|Peter Fredriksson|Student (Computer/Electronics)|17 |Coder, 3DS. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Currently we seek for musicans and graphicans to join... Someone who is a GOOD asembler coder would NOT be refused, as our knowledge is mainly Pascal. (We are thinking of demos here...) It would be best if the future members live in Uppsala, or at least Sweden, but when I (Dai Shan) get my internet address it does not matter where you live. \--(2)--(Gettin' Started)--/ It is very simple. All you have to do is to unzip all files in a directory of your choice. Then run the Setup program, write a new master password, and if you do not think that you can remember it, write it down on piece of paper. You will be asked for the path to Logmaster. Use only CAPITAL LETTERS! Then it is highly recommended that you enter at least one new name by clicking in the correct box in the main menu. You must not enter a name or a password longer then 16 (sixteen) characters! The master password can be as long as you want it... almost.. the only limit is in how long the box is!!! When done, click on the exitbox, then type in which directory you have placed logmaster in. Then it is suggested that you answer "yes" on the questions asked. If not, you will be prompted with the same questions at every exit from the setup program. If you have got this far, and have rebooted, you should have been prompted for your name at boot. If you wrote your name and your password correctly, and didn't get in anyway you must remember that logmaster is case sensitive. If you still don't come in you will have to boot from a floppy disc. Now you should have got a file called "logmastr.log" in your logmaster directory. In this file every successful and unsuccessful logon will be recorded. If this file gets to long, you can simply delete it and logmaster will create a new one. You might have noticed a file called "logmastr.ini" after you ran setup. This is where logmaster stores all information about names and passwords. It is cryptated, so don't fuck around with it! And if you against our recommendations play around with the ini file, and everything goes crunch, you CAN delete the ini file and setup will make a new one. But if you do so all the information about names and passwords is deleted. Be careful. If you are locked out from your computer you can boot from a disk. \--(3)--(Problems)--/ Crying for help already? If you haven't read the topics 1 and 2, do so! If you have read it but still can't get any sense out of it, here is some help. Problem: I can't get into my computer. Answer: You probably didn't think of the fact that Logmaster is case sensitive. This means you have to remember exactly how you wrote your name and your password in the setup program. Try changing password in the setup. Another possibility is that someone has been mucking around with the Logmastr.INI. The solution to this problem is getting rid of the INI-file. All information it contains about names and passwords will then be lost, and you will have to run setup again. You must also remember that your name or your password can't be longer than 16 characters. Problem:Logmaster doesn't run when I boot. Answer: The first time you exit the setup program, you will be asked if you would want to add certain lines to your autoexec.bat. This will be asked every time you exit setup until you answer "yes". Might it be that you haven't answered "yes" yet? The setup program will also ask you in what directory you have placed Logmaster. If Logmaster doesn't run, you might have written the wrong path. Write the correct one into your autoexec.bat. Maybe you have lost your Logmaster.INI. Logmaster wont run without it. Setup will create a new one for you if you haven't got one. Problem: I can't get into the setup program. Answer: Have you forgotten your master password? Find the little piece of paper where you wrote it down. You didn't write it down? Then you have to delete the Logmaster.INI and run setup all over again. Problem: The mouse doesn't work on my computer. Answer: Tuff luck. Keep your eyes open for the next version of Logmastr, it will support keyboard. \--(4)--(Logmaster is Cardware)--/ If you use Logmaster only for private use, the only "fee" that is asked for is that you send us a postcard with a picture of your hometown... BUT... If it is used by any kind of organisation, we ask a fee of $10 / unit. If you feel like having a lot of money to spend and don't know where to, you have our permission to send it to us. SEND US YOUR MONEY! ahm... oups.. Anyway here's our addresses: Peter Fredriksson Erik Nordman Box 1005 or Box 60 S-740 21 JRLSA S-740 21 JRLSA SWEDEN SWEDEN \--(5)--(System requirements)--/ A computer!!! A Mouse... Sense enough to use the program! \--(6)--(Compatibility (WIN95 / OS/2?))--/ After a week with WIN95 the program seems to be comfortable enough... BUT the blocking on the F5 and F8 during boot is not really good. You can acces windows own boot menu, and therefrom choose to boot without using the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys. Stupid! Anyone knows how to solve this problem? If you have the knowledge we seek... WRITE TO US... You can find our addresses at the bottom of the file. If anyone runs OS/2 and tries logmaster, write to us and tell us how it is running. \--(7)--(History)--/ < v2.0 Well... Version 2.0 came with the INI-file. With it came the setup program.. Past 2.0 I did not bother to set any version numbers, but in the beginning every name and password were hard-coded into the .exe file. Changed later on as you probably have noticed... v2.1 Yupp... New high-res. ANSI... v2.1 Only a new ansi picture... and an improved Setup program.. v2.2 Hmm... Only estetical things... like the fadings and the "moving" dots in front of the input... Nothing else... OH... well.. the setup program is not working anymore... to bad I say, but I and Erik is working on it... Wait for 2.3! v2.3 OK. Things have happened since last time... The Setup program is up and going. NO it is flying! We have implanted the following features: Change a persons password, Terminate a person, Change the master password, and last but not the least, the INI-file is now cryptated (keep you hands out of it). A new mouse unit is now in use, instead of azzamouse, which was not really what we wanted. Now the setup program puts the appropriate lines in autoexec.bat and config.sys almost by itself. We got the Cancel boxes to work finally... \--(8)--(Future Features)--/ OK... Well.. this is what we have planned for the future: > Keyboard support in the setup program. > Multiple ANSI's in Logmaster main program. (chooseable from setup...) > A option to look at all the users from the setup program. The rest is up to you. If you have any good idea that you think that we can realize... write to us. (Any donations to ASHA'MAN might speed up the development of the logmaster program :-) \--(9)--(Security tips)--/ There is some things that you must consider when you use Logmaster. The setup program is not capable of doing everything for you. For example you are able to pass over Logmaster by booting from disk. Turn this option off in your CMOS-setup, and password protect CMOS. If you run QEMM on your computer and use QEMM Quickboot, the above can be overruled. By default Quickboot search the diskdrive for a bootdisk when it reboots. Disable this by adding the parametr "BF:N" to your QEMM386.SYS line in your config.sys. If you follow our instructions your system should be as secure as it can be! \--(10)--(Uninstalling Logmaster)--/ I can't for the life of it understand why you would want to uninstall such a wonderful program. Anyway, the process is very simple. This is how you go about it: Delete the line "@C:\LOGMASTR\LOGMASTR" from your autoexec.bat and the line "SWITCHES= /F /N" from your config.sys. THAT'S ALL! \--(11)--(Legal stuff)--/ Logmaster is cardware as long as you use it only for private use. If used by companies or organisations we require a fee off $10 / unit. If your computer burns because of Logmaster, ASHA'MAN takes no responsibility for it! We see no reason it shouldn't work on any computer, but if it doesn't, write to us and we shall try to solve the problem. \--(12)--(Credits)--/ Logmaster main program: MainCode - Dai Shan Code - OWL Rutines borrowed from: Leif Andersson - Break handler. Mike Schutz - Fade rutine. Bas V. van Gaalen - ANSI rutines. A big THANX to you all! Logmaster setup program: MainCode - OWL Code - Dai Shan Mouse Unit - Ron Pritchett. Other people involved: Richard - -tester and sum ideas. Micke Fredriksson - Adviser and computer guru. \--(13)--(Greetings)--/ Greetings to those who deserve it! Garaban, Melkor, Richard, Candyman, Anders, SmileY, Zaico... That's all folks... \--(14)--(Our addresses)--/ Why should anyone be interested in writing to us? Well... If you have any comments, ideas, and god forbid, bug reports, feel free to write! We will try to answer any hot letters, so if you want an answer write your address! Snail mail: Dai Shan: OWL: Peter Fredriksson Erik Nordman Box 1005 or Box 60 S-740 21 JRLSA S-740 21 JRLSA SWEDEN SWEDEN e-mail: Dai Shan: pf_3102@ec.fyrisskolan.uppsala.se Well, as a hint to ya all... This documentation is not nearly finnished, but we are working on it! This was realesed in a real hurry (as everything else). Tomorrow (30/8 -96) is friday and this should be out by then. I feel sorry for all the misspelling in this file, but, (as I make most of 'em) I am only human, u know! Signin' off 29-08-96, 23.06.30: /Dai Shan of Asha'man. eof(logmastr.txt);