QFB Changes and Additions 1.10 Aug 15 1996 - Files.Bbs lines starting with an high ascii character (>127) in the first column are now taken as comments. 1.09 Jun 21 1996 - Added -q switch. - Improved doc. - New NT version. 1.08 Mar 31 1996 - The logic of the "-s" switch has changed: now ALL areas except the "slow" ones are processed and the global indexes are updated (not re-built) when this switch is used. Previously the "-s" switch only caused slow areas to be skipped, so that they were usually removed from the global indexes. 1.07 Feb 29 1996 - Added "-d" switch to avoid multi-line descriptions in FILES.DMP, the file where Maximus looks for the file descriptions when using the filebase (Locate and NewFiles commands). When multi-line description support is enabled, QFB outputs the entire description string (line feeds included) to the FILES.DMP, so that the Maximus Locate and New Files commands respect the original formatting. Unfortunately there is a side-effect: the continuation lines are aligned at left, and this is not appreciated by some SysOps. When the "-d" switch is used, QFB changes the linefeeds to spaces, so that the DMP description is made of a long unique line: the original formatting is lost but the description will be aligned and word-wrapped by Maximus when the Locate or NewFiles commands are used. - To disable multi-line description support, you can now use the "-c" switch alone. Previously you had to use "-c-1" and that was not documented. - Added INF documentation. 1.06 Restricted Beta - OS/2: Problem with remote (LAN) directories fixed. The C stat function had problems: substituted with direct OS/2 API calls. - Improved multi-line support. 1.05 - Support for multi-line descriptions (see Qfb.Doc). 1.04 - New "out of memory" handler and exit errorlevel. Previously an out of memory error could result in strange behaviour. - Some internal changes in the filebase routines to improve consistency with Max 3.00 - New ApWorks addresses and phone numbers 1.03 - Update to support Max 3.00; Max 2.0x is NOT supported. - The specification of a path in the files.bbs to include a file that resides in a directory other than the default "Download" is now allowed. - The specification of an alternate files.bbs in "FileList" is now allowed with any extension (previously the .BBS was required). - The files that are not found are now included in the filebase and marked as "OFFLINE". - If an area is marked of "Type CD" and you do not specify an alternate "FileList", the local DAT/DMP/IDX files are not generated. - The DateAuto/DateManual/DateList are now fully supported (previously DateAuto was assumed). - New -n switch to allow the update of the filebase by compiling all the areas that have a files.bbs newer than the files.idx. CD areas skipped. - QFB and other ApWorks programs that update the filebase generate a "FileBase.Bsy" flag in the Maximus system directory to avoid concurrent writes to the same filebase. There is no need to manually delete this flag in case of power failure or abnormal termination. - The command line syntax has been modified to be consistent with that of the Max 3.00 FB/FBP. Switches -x and -r not implemented. Wildcards are more flexible (? and * in the OS/2 way). 1.02 - Fixed bug that caused some dupes not to be removed from UniFiles.Idx. - Separate "/t /b" flags in FILES.BBS are now recognized. 1.01 - Now more CD-ROM / MO friendly. QFB does not abort in case of path not found, drive not ready, read only dir, write protected unit. When QFB cannot write local DAT/DMP/IDX files it simply skips: if you do not really need these files, you can avoid copying files.bbs to a hard-disk directory. - More informative output. - New -g command line switch to avoid generation of local DAT/DMP/IDX files. 1.00 - First public release.