Just What Is QWKE Anyway? By Ralph Kosmiski If you are familiar with offline mail doors and readers, you are pretty much aware of the fact that QWK has serious limitations. There are some software developers that have maneuvered their way around these limitations, however, they use a proprietary mail packet format that isn't usable by other readers and doors. Sure, these may be nice products, and their proprietary formats may have overcome these limitations, but what about the user who already has a registered mail reader that doesn't support this format, or simply doesn't have the free hard disk space to add another reader?.....The answer is QWKE! Try to load one of these proprietary format mail packets into a QWK reader and see what happens. You might as well not have even downloaded the packet. With QWKE, the packet is still readable by standard QWK mail readers and the limitations of QWK are gone forever! The main differences between QWKE and QWK mail packet formats: QWKE QWK ---- --- Names and subject lines longer than 25 characters allowed? YES NO Tells the reader if an area is Echo, Net, Local, UUCP, UseNet? YES NO Tells the reader if Alias, Real, or both names are allowed? YES NO Tells the reader if Public, Private, or both messages allowed? YES NO Tells the reader if file attachments in an area are allowed? YES NO Descriptive names of mail packet bulletin screens? YES NO Tells the reader what the user's alias name is on that system? YES NO Remote KEYWORD, language FILTER, and user TWIT control? YES NO Tells the reader all user settings for a given message area? YES NO Tells the reader if an area is "Read Only" YES NO This is only a small cross section of QWKE's capabilities. Depending on the door and reader, developers can take the possibilities even further yet and still retain total backward compatibility with QWK. Sure, developers of the proprietary mail packet formats can do the same, but bastardizing someone's reader or door program which they have already registered is far from being a kind business practice don't you think? Other functions such as last read pointer manipulation, file requests, file attachments, etc are all standard features amongst QWKE and QWK products, however - all programs handle these functions slightly different from one another. Still, there is no need for a proprietary mail packet format to provide functionality and features for your users. If you really want to do your users a favor, by providing functionality and and features without alienating anyone or the programs they own, then QWKE is the answer! If you want to be inconsiderate of your users needs and what they can do online or remotely, then give them QWK or a proprietary format!