TV Agent listings are now available on this BBS! See file area TVAGENT. Is your paper TV guide annoying you because it never remembers what listings you want marked from one week to the next? Does it keep showing you listings for channels you don't receive, and for program titles you never have any interest in? Does it always open to the WRONG page, like it doesn't even know what time it is? You need TV Agent! It costs less ($24.95/yr) than the printed guides, REMEMBERS what you want marked, and CUSTOMIZES the listings to your preferences. Now you can download listings from this BBS that include schedule changes for tomorrow that the networks made yesterday. See a more complete description in the file TVAGENT.TXT, and a fully functional demonstration version TVADEMO2.ZIP. That includes sample listings for Aug 7 & 8, 1996. During the first 8 days of any month you can try it out with CURRENT listings by also downloading some of the daily listings files TVLIST01.ARC thru TVLIST08.ARC. To use listings for the 9th (TVLIST09.ARC) or later, you need to subscribe to TV Agent by calling Planet Systems at (423) 623-8300.