Specifying Notes Message Containers in WinBiff ---------------------------------------------- The following is based on documentation provided by Lotus for VIM, edited for particular use with WinBiff. --- The Notes implementation of VIM supports a default message container which is the mail file specified in the Notes mail setup. In WinBiff, the default message container is used if the Message container field in the Login dialog is left blank. Alternatively, a particular message container may be specified. When specified, the name must be a valid Notes database pathname (e.g., "c:\file.nsf", "myserver!!file.nsf", "myserver!!mail\file.nsf", etc. ). If specifying a hierarchical server, the server name may be in its canonical format (e.g., "CN=hiserver/OU=Documentation/O=WorkSavers!!file.nsf"). You may also specify a hierarchical server by its common name (e.g. "hiserver!!file.nsf"). However, if you specify a hierarchical server by an abbreviated format (e.g., "hiserver/Documentation/WorkSavers!!file.nsf"), you will get a Server Not Responding extended error.