
SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV are shareware programs and as such, you are only granted the right to operate them for a limited time to evaluate their performance. Continued usage requires registration in the amount of $15.00.

Since they are similar in form and function, I have decided to include SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV together in the same registration package. Paying the registration fee entitles you to use of both of these programs.

Paying the $15 registration fee entitles you to use of all of the following:

  1. SBNews/Newsbot ... SBNEWSxx.ZIP and/or SBN32_xx.ZIP
  2. SBJV (Standalone Jpeg viewer) ... SBJV16xx.ZIP and/or SBJV32xx.ZIP

The registration policy is as follows:

  1. Mail $15 (a personal check made out to "Scott M. Baker" is fine) to my US-Mail address. Include your EMAIL address with the check.
  2. I will generate a registration code that corresponds to the email you included. I will email this registration code back to you at the address you provided.
  3. Load up newsbot and select Register from the menu. Enter your email and the code I provided. The program will now be registered.
  4. Your registration is good forever, and will be supported under ALL FUTURE VERSIONS of these programs.

Specific registration benefits include:

  1. Removal of "shareware delay" in SBNews/Newsbot and SBJV.
  2. Newsbot's automatic start command line feature.

Please do consider registering this shareware if you continue to use it. The programming is very involved and time consuming, and it really gives me a lot more incentive to add new features if I receive compensation for my work.

How to contact me:


Scott M. Baker

2241 W Labriego

Tucson, Az 85741

My Bulletin board:

The Not-Yet-Named BBS

(520) 544-4655 (USR Dual 14.4k)

(520) 797-8573 (USR Sportster 28.8k)


My Homepage:

Find the latest SBNews/Newsbot at this address:

Find the latest SBJV at this address: