DECompress v0.1 Copyright (c) February 3rd, 1996 by Farhan Yousaf Documentation Revised on July 17th, 1996 This program is E-mail ware. Ä. Disclaimer .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is provided AS IS. The author accepts no liability for any damage/loss of data that this program may cause. Use it at your own risk. All rights reserved. You are not allowed to sell this program for any amount of money. Permission is hereby given to include this file on Shareware CD-ROMs. Sorry, I had to do that. But, there are some sue-happy people with twisted minds. Ä. Introduction .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program began its life as a little utility that I wrote in C to check out files from Shareware CD-ROMs and BBSes. It is a big pain to manually expand 5-10 files to check them out. Hence, this little gem. It has been a little more than a year since I made this program. I had not considered releasing this baby into the wild as I hated writing the documentation for it. I finally overcame that fear. I would be very much interested to see where this program winds up being used and who uses it. I'd appreciate an e-mail message telling me how wonderful you think this program is! I do not ask any money for it. But, ofcourse, if you'd like to shower me with some, how can I refuse? E-mail me to find out my Snail Mail address. Ä. Internet E-mail/World Wide Web Page .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All letter bombs, nuclear waste, death threats, love letters shall be re-sent (well maybe not these) to the sender. If you like this program and think it should be further enhanced, then please e-mail me. The latest version of this program can be snatched from my WWW home page at: My home page is basically devoted to the Pet Shop Boys. Look through it, you'll find a link to DECompress. Ä. Pre-requisites .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ In order for this baby to work you need the following: 1] Computer [greater than a XT] 2] Keyboard [perferably with keys] 3] Hard Disk [greater than 10 MB] 4] Monitor [not really] 5] Decompression programs 6] Brain [IQ greater than a vegetable] 7] Hands [perferably with fingers] You must have decompression programs located somewhere in your path for this program to work. I have a directory on my HD called ZIPS, where I keep all of the compression related programs. You might want to do the same. Ä. Description .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DEC Wildcards accepted. It expands archive files to individual directories. For example, if the directory contains the following files: FILE1.UC2 TEST.ZIP ARCH.LZH C:\>dec Upon execution, the files will be decompressed by calling the appropriate decompression program. In the above case: FILE1.UC2 will be decompressed to: C:\FILE1\ TEST.ZIP will be decompressed to: C:\TEST\ and so forth. C:\>dec *.uc2 Will decompress all the files with UC2 extentions. Ever heard of wild cards? Thought so. Ä. Programs Supported .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1] AIN 2] ARJ 3] BSA 4] RAR 5] DWC 6] LIM 7] LZH 8] SQZ 9] UC2 10] X1 11] ZIP They should be enough for now. Ä. FTP Sites for Archivers .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AIN v2.2 ARJ v2.50a BSA v2.0 DWC vA5.01 LHA v2.13 LHA v2.55b LIMIT v1.2 PKZIP v2.04g RAR v1.55 SQZ v1.08.3 UC vII r3 X1 v0.94c Ä. Thanks! .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Mosh Teitelbaum for giving me the inspiration to write the documenation for this program. - Ad Infinitum for the world's most powerful, versatile and high tech compression program, UC2! You can find the latest version of UC2 at - Robert K. Jung for his compressor, that has the most options. - To all the C/C++ coders. - To for using this program! Ä. Post Script .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Err... The documentation could've been better. Oh well, why waste breath when you don't even know if anyone is going to use it or not. By the way, if you want a personalized copy of this program, all you have to do is e-mail me. I know what you're thinking: This guy is obsessed with e-mail! Forgive any grammatical errors or lack thereof. Ä. EOF .Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ End of File. You can quit reading this now, unless you have nothing better to do than stare aimlessly.