CYRA CarGo 95 Welcome fellow wax makers, let's begin. First of all, you may be wondering what Cyra is and what Cyra can do. Cyra is the culmination of all of my work in hacking waxes over the summer. It's been a real ride. Cyra is a sequencer/editor/viewer for DF's animated cells and frames and sequences and waxes. Yes there is a grouping of "waxes" within most wax files. Everything in a wax file is based around the cell. Waxes point to sequences, sequences point to frames and frames point to cells. You won't need to know any of that stuff cause Cyra has been written as a GUI of sorts and keeps track of that stuff for you. Cyra also knows Fmecad. That means you can convert DF's Wax files into Fmecad's Pac files for editing/drawing and load a group of Pac files for conversion to Wax format. Also, you can view any Pac file through Cyra's Pacview routine. Sound interesting? Well, well, well... Through Cyra's Config section, you can change PacDir and WaxDir and PalDir on the fly assuming they are set up properly beforehand. A valid PalDir must have a 768 byte file named Bemypal.pal in it and a valid PacDir must have at least one valid Pac file, from 1.pac to 200.pac, in it and a valid WaxDir must have at least one Wax file in it. Need a Bemypal.pal file? Either rename one of DF's or download BEMYPAL CarGo 95. Need a Pac file? Download FMECAD CarGo 95 or the shareware FRAMED CarGo 95. Here is my directory structure on my puter. c:\ DF\ FMECAD\ FMECAD.EXE PACFILES.PAC BEMYPAL.PAL WAX\ DFWAXES.WAX Start up Some first time directory setup needs to be performed by you before firing it up for the first time. Reread the previous paragraph and come back here when you are finished. When editing directorys in Cyra's Config section, a backslash MUST end the line. So.. "PACDIR:c:\df\fmecad" will not work while "WAXDIR:c:\df\wax\" will be accepted. Windows 95 Works very well. Try loading several occurances of Cyra then ALT-TAB yourself around. Cyra uses no extended memory and loads waxes and pacs individually from the hard drive. Since that is the case, each cell in a wax will be decompressed then displayed simultaneously. And you will notice that Pac frames display much faster since there is no compression to deal with and the Pac frames are shot to the screen as one picture instead of pixel by pixel. Cyra is keyboard controlled and displays in either text mode for editing or graphics mode 320 x 200 x 256 for showing the pics.