Axe! - Quake demo series by Dalias Watch me complete every level in Quake with the axe! Well, almost. Quake does not want to play back demos recorded on e1m4, so I have not included that one. And I have not yet made an axe demo on the secret level (even though I have completed it with just the axe). Only a few of these are my best attempts with the axe, since problems getting Quake to record right forced me to redo them several times. I had completed a few of them on higher difficulty levels, but I lost those recordings and I decided not to try making them again. Too much trouble... :) To watch these demos, move them into the id1 subdirectory of your Quake directory and type "playdemo" then the name of the demo you want to watch at the console in Quake. For example, to watch my demo on level one, type: playdemo e1m1axe These demos are fun to watch. Find out how to kill ogres with the axe, how to run past shamblers, and how complete all the levels in a very short amount of time. I show only some of the secrets: the ones that help me through the levels. I skip the rest. Well, I hope you enjoy these! I know I enjoyed making 'em! :) Dalias,