The 'dmapedit.ini' file controls the default setting of DMapEdit. This file will be used if it is either located in the current directory, or the same directory as 'dmapedit.exe'. It will use the one in the current directory, if both are present. So, it is possible to have different setups in different directories. Listed below are the different variables that you can set, along with the valid settings, if any. The format looks like this: variable=[settings] If no settings are shown, then the setting isn't checked, and you the user should make sure that it is correct. Otherwise, your setting must match one of those shown. Each setting is seperated by a ',' or a range of settings shown when seperated with a '-'. -- Variables listing -- doom path= The path to doom's IWAD. You can use '/' or '\' in all paths. Note that this path can point to either the directory of doom.wad (or doom1.wad), i.e. '/doom', or point to doom.wad itself, i.e. '/doom/doom.wad'. edit mode=[things, vertexes, lines, sectors] Sets the default edit mode to use at startup. zoom [0 - 6] Initial zoom factor at startup. Default is 3. video driver= Name of BGI video driver to use. It must be a 256 color driver. Only 8 characters are allowed, and it is loaded from the directory that dmapedit.exe is located in. video mode=[0-?] The BGI video driver mode number. The total number of modes varies with each BGI. Vesa.bgi has the following modes: 0 - 320 x 200 (Can't use with DMapEdit, though. Too low resolution) 1 - 640 x 400 2 - 640 x 480 (recommended, and default) 3 - 800 x 600 4 -1024 x 768 episode=[1 - 3] Default episode # to load at startup. mission=[1 - 9] Default mission # to load at startup. backup=[yes, no] DMapEdit makes a backup of any PWAD you try to save over. If you set backup to no, DMapEdit will delete this backup after it has successfully saved the new PWAD. This can help save some disk space, if you have a lot of pwads around. Otherwise, it is recommended to set backup to yes. If an attempt to save a PWAD fails, your old PWAD can be found as the same name with the extension '.bak'. grid=[off, 1 - 3] This sets the intensity value of the grid at startup. crosshare=[on, off] Controls the visibility of the crosshare at startup. flash mode=[old, new] Use either the old v2.1- method of hilighting, or the new pulsating green method of hilighting. skip intro=[yes, no] Bypasses the intro screen. (not recommended if you haven't registered. :) left mouse button=[add, delete, edit, mark] middle mouse button=[add, delete, edit, mark] right mouse button=[add, delete, edit, mark] Sets the initial configuration of the mouse buttons at startup. don't draw wall textures=[yes, no] For anyone who still experiences the texture drawing picklist bug, you can turn off texture drawing with this, and it shouldn't crash. The trade off is that you don't get to see what the textures look like.