Secret areas: As you should know by now, when you complete an episode, a 'total secrets discovered' tally is calculated, based on how many secret areas were discovered during that episode's play. So, how is a secret area defined? Well, each and every secret area is a sector with a 'secret area' sector type. If the player walks into this sector (by crossing one of the sector's lines), that secret sector is marked as discovered. You may be aware of a line attribute that is called 'secret'. This doesn't count into the secret areas total at all, and it's function will be discussed shortly. Only secret sectors will count toward the total at the end of the episode. So, when creating secret areas, you the map designer need to think about what should be a secret area, and why. At what point should your secret area be considered discovered? The only way to mark an area as discovered is to have the player walk into a secret sector, so you need to decide where you want to place this secret sector exactly. It should fall from wall to wall normally, so that a player will always discover the area, and can't walk around the edge of it or anything. Based on id's original maps, and the PWADs I have seen, there are several catagories of secret areas, and I will discuss these all now. Keep in mind that this isn't the total, absolute list or anything. The best secret areas are usually ones that are very creative and/or a unique type of secret that no one has ever done before. Secret areas behind a hidden door: This is probably the most common of all types of secret areas. The player walks up to a wall and presses the spacebar to open a door that looks like the rest of the wall, except the wall has a slight different from the rest of the walls around it. Common ways to make the secret door detectable to the observant is by using a different type of wall, or by shifting the wall vertically or horizontally a little, or by illuminating the wall, or maybe having a pattern of powerups in the shape of an arrow pointing at the door, or having the automap show the door, but not in the normal view. This last method is usually the worst, though. Normally you'll want to hide the door on the automap (make it look like just another wall). This is what the secret attribute of a line is for. It makes the line the same color as a wall, so the player can't tell it is a door. If you want to, however, you can leave no clue whatsoever that there is a secret door there, and the player will simply have to try pushing on walls to find them. Some people think you shouldn't do this, other think it is ok. You are the author of your map, however, and I beleive that you should have full control of it. So, do whatever you want to do. In designing maps, think about what you like and dislike when you play, and try to make your map according to that. With secret door,