Okey. It's my QUAKE Project1 v0.5 - test version. Several QuakeC patches in one. ============================================================================= What we have now? v0.1 All powerups (except biosuit) we can switch ON/OFF by "impulse 133" (don't forget bind it to your favorite key). When powerup switched OFF - it's still with us until we not die and we can switch it ON at any time. When we get "QUAD damage" but holding it OFF - AXE has quad power. Backpacks can now exploding and explosing size/damage based on number of rockets in. YOUR backpack can now exploding - in case you have rockets in it - with probability 2%. Explosing size/damage based on number of rockets in your backpack. v0.2 Probability of YOUR backpack exploding depending now from attacker weapon. (from 1.5% SuperNailGun, Lightning - to 5% SuperShotGun). When Quad damage turned OFF - no Quad sound. ShotGun powered up. SuperShotGun powered up, but reload time increased (DOOM style). Added reload SOUND (temporary it's ammo touch sound). Now we can see more blood. v0.3 Added several new sounds and new sound events. Added SuperShotGun reload sound from DOOM II (C) IdSoftware. v0.4 Added Multiskin v1.1 Fixed SuperShotGun "overflow" bug. Fixed SuperShotGun "sound" bug. SuperShotGun now can't GIB player. Pretuned several internal constants. Changed missile model (slowed down, damage range changed from 100-120% to 90-150%). Rockets, grenades, nails now can pass trhough teleports (not always). v0.5 "Rocket vector after teleport" bug fixed. You wanted "gibing" player body's? I did it. Another one "bloodest" effect added... Sure, you will see it. Added "deathmatch 3" by Avatar (with minor changes). What is it : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathmatch3 includes the following changes: Weapons act like they do in deathmatch 2, each player can pick them up one time per life. Health and ammo respawning after random period of time 20-40 gametics. Armor and MegaHealth spawns after 20-50 gametics. Quad damage and biosuit spawns at 10-110 gametics, and the other power ups in 10-510 gametics. To use deathmatch3 in the game, the server must type deathmatch 3 at the console (or +deathmatch 3 at startup) and then start a new level. Thanks to -*Avatar*- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "teamplay 69" added. What is it: Player can damage/kill his teammate and loosing one frag in this case. No stupid "no friends damage" now. Several new "teamplay 69" messages added. To use "teamplay 69" in the game, the server must type "teamplay 69" at the console (or +teamplay 69 at startup) and then start a new level. ========================================================================= How to install it? Copy zip file to your Quake directory. Unzip with key "-d". Delete zip file and run "quake.exe -game project1". Containing files: \PROJECT1\progs.dat \PROJECT1\PROGS\player.mdl \ID1\SOUND\PROJECT1\billy.wav \ID1\SOUND\PROJECT1\deathhi.wav \ID1\SOUND\PROJECT1\haha.wav \ID1\SOUND\PROJECT1\pain.wav \ID1\SOUND\PROJECT1\reload.wav You CAN play on Project1 Quake servers WITH OUT this files, but you will receive warning messages (Coudn't load /sound/project1/*.wav). ============================================================================ If You will run your own Quake server with Project1 patch connected to Internet - please include to your hostname something as "Project1_v0.5". For example: quake -dedicated 16 -game project1 +hostname Texas_Project1_v0.5 +map start ============================================================================ Where you can get source code? In final release I'll include it. Future plans: New weapon - BFG9000 model (I hope, I hope!); Deathmatch 69 (my own version) Pipebombs and HoloQuaker (such in Duke3D). May be you have several interesting ideas? Mail me - peter@softjoys.ru Sincerely yours Peter (Dragon__#quake) P.S. Sorry for my english... From Russia with love.