* Quake plus 1.0 * Title : Quake plus 1.0 Filename : Qplus10.zip Version : 1.00 Date : 18.8.96 Author : Werner Spahl "The reason of my life is to make me crazy!" Email : a1619195@smail1.rrz.uni-koeln.de Credits : special thanks to all whose code I analyzed or incooperated in this patch (more credits below) and of course to id for this wonderful but incomplete game! Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : no MDL : no Source Included : yes (all modifications are marked with "ws") Description of the Modification ------------------------------- Quake Plus is a combination of different Quake enhancements making the game more realistic by utilizing a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Only few impulse keys are needed to access all extra features, a quite reasonable teammode is set up without console commands and too power- ful weapons and powerups are avoided: * pressing "use" while touching buttons or doors activates them (you wanted the good old use key back, now you got it) * pressing "use" while touching items picks them up or kicks them (no more wasting of health or ammo by accidently getting it) * pressing "use" while touching players and monsters kicks them (regards to AsmodeusB alias Shawn Kohlsmith) * just multiple pressing "use" drops a backpack filled with - the Silver Key when carried and the Axe is active - the Gold Key when carried and the Shotgun is active - some used armor when the Axe is active and armor is over 75 - a health box when the Shotgun is active and health is over 75 - the active weapon and some ammo in any other case (regards to Steve Bond, John Guthrie and AsmodeusB) * health, armor and backpacks are solid and shootable (so you better fight more careful, regards to Foobar) * players drop both keys, powerups and armor on death (regards to AsmodeusB alias Shawn Kohlsmith) * grunts, ogres and enforcers drop random ammo on death (regards to AsmodeusB Shawn alias Kohlsmith) * corpses and crucified zombies are solid and gibbable (*not complete*, regards to Jason Carter and Jeff Eppler) * player and monster heads are now solid and gibbable (regards to AsmodeusB alias Shawn Kohlsmith) * hitting dogs or grunts with the axe turns them friendly (regards to Jeff Eppler and Sto) * grenades act also as proximity mines and can be shot (regards to Jonathan Avraham and PVP) * rockets act as homing missiles which flare when they miss (regards to Vhold and Steve Bond) * color changes are only possible while the player is dead (regards to Shawn Schultz and John Spickes) * teammate kills cost -3 frags with autodeath below -10 (regards to Josh Spickes and Allen Seger) How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Create a subdirectory named Qplus in your registered Quake directory, copy the progs.dat file into it and start it with: Quake -game Qplus. Don't forget to bind a key to "use" impulse 14! Technical Details ----------------- Known bugs: - backpacks disappear when dropped into walls or objects - trying to change colors while alive gives you unicolor - sometimes you can get stuck in retracting buttons Version history: 0.9: - first version 1.0: - removed seperate get and drop keys - added dropping of keys, health and armor - added solid and destroyable objects and heads - added kicking and generating of friendly grunts - modified death backpack drop of players and monsters Author Information ------------------ I'm the author of the Theme Doom Patch, featuring among a lot of other stuff, fellow marines, civilians and Alien vs Predator vs Terminator! Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other publically available work. You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified and is retained along with all of the files in the archive. Availability ------------ This modification is available from the following places: ftp.cdrom.com: /idgames2/quakec/misc