1T-TUTOR.EXE 696060 11-11-95 Self-Extracting RAR containing: FILE_ID.DIZ 369 11-11-95 Description OHREAD.EXE 155564 11-04-95 Engine README.TXT 4060 11-11-95 This file T-TUTOR.BAT 16 11-11-95 Batch to run T-TUTOR T-TUTOR.HTX 614396 11-11-95 Compiled data ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ United States Terminate Registration Site ° Û ° Û Üß Û ° ßÜ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ° Û ° Û ° °ßßßß ßßßÛßÜ Û TSR - TERMINATE SUPPORT REGISTRATIONS ° Û ° Û ßÜ ßÜ ° ÛÜ° Û Andy Roberts, 1:109/921 ± Û ± Û ßßÜ ßÜ ± Û Û RT 1 BOX 204A, LURAY, VA 22835, USA ² ßܲ Û ÜÜÜܲ Û ² Ûß² Û Voice: 540-743-9432 ßÜ Û Û Üß Û Û Û Û Fax : 540-743-1732 ßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßß ßßßß ßßßß BBS : 540-743-2865 Online credit card Register TERMINATE menu. OHREAD.EXE Copyright 1995, Hyperion Softword ******************************************************* This program is part of Orpheus 2, beta release 2.00.15 ******************************************************** Comments or queries to: Rod Willmot, Hyperion Softword tel/fax: 819-566-6296 (Canada) email: willmot@interlinx.qc.ca PURPOSE: ======== For reading compiled/assembled hypertext documents created with Orpheus 2. These consist of one .HTX file, optionally accompanied by one or more numbered subfiles (filename.001, filename.002). USAGE: ====== OHREAD T-TUTOR.HTX or OHREAD [filename][.HTX] The filename can be given with or without the ".HTX" extension. If no filename is given, looks for any HTX file in the current directory. Command-line switches: /b - force gray-scale color values instead of color. Use this if you have a CGA monitor that displays 16 shades of one color (gray, green, amber). /c - force color instead of gray-scale, in case a CFG file somewhere says you don't have a color monitor and you do. Switches can be given before or after the filename, separated by a space. REQUIREMENTS: ============= Requires DOS 3.1 or higher. Runs fine under Windows 3.1, should also run fine under OS/2. Desqview users: define as a full-screen application that writes directly to the screen. RAM requirements depend on the size of the HTX, but a 1-megabyte HTX should be handled fine in under 350K free RAM. AUTHORS: If you need a text-only version that runs in under 130K free RAM (similar to OHHELP.EXE), give me a call. LICENSE: ======== Registered users of Orpheus 2 are licensed to distribute the Orpheus Reader (this program) together with their finished works. Unregistered users must NOT distribute finished works with this program. When the Reader detects an HTX created with an unregistered copy of Orpheus, it displays a warning message. Note: Andy Roberts of TSR - TERMINATE SUPPORT REGISTRATIONS is a Registered ORPHEUS user/author. And hereby gives permission for others to distribute 1T-TUTOR.EXE provided it is not modified in any way, and there is no charge beyond shipping and handling. USER INTERFACE: =============== Orpheus 2 is designed to give power and flexibility to hypertext authors. The user-interface that appears with any given HTX depends entirely on that work's author; this includes keyboard behavior. If the author of an HTX has disabled the standard Exit key (Alt-X in the English version), he must provide you with an Exit command of his own, either through an onscreen button or a scripted menu. If you have to hit Ctl-Alt-Del to get out of this program, complain to the author!