Order Form: HTMLed (shareware, version 1.5) ========== HTMLed32 (shareware, version 1.5) Single User License (Version 1.5f - July 15, 1996) $29 US ($35 Canadian) There are NO taxes on sales outside Canada. Canadian registrants are required to pay GST (and NB PST, if applicable). Name:________________________________________________________ Organization(optional)_______________________________________ Street ______________________________________________________ City__________________________ State/Province_______________ Country_______________________ Postal/ZIP code _____________ Phone ________________ fax _____________ e-mail __________ Select one of the methods of payment below. Visa___ Check___ Money order ___ Purchase order___ Visa Number ________________________ Expiry Date__________ Name on Visa Card ______________________________________ Signature (required for Visa purchase) ____________________ Send this order form and $29 (US) /$35 (CDN) or VISA/purchase order information to: Internet Software Technologies P.O. Box 756 Sackville, New Brunswick CANADA E0A 3C0 FAX: (506) 364-2540 VOICE: (506) 364-8088 sales@ist.ca http://www.ist.ca License includes bug fixes and ALL future upgrades. Legal disclaimers, etc.HTMLed is Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 by Peter B. Crawshaw and Internet Software Technologies. This software may not be commercially distributed, licensed, resold, or otherwise transferred for any consideration, or reproduced for any such commercial purposes. This software is provided to the user "as is". Neither Peter Crawshaw nor Internet Software Technologies makes any warranties, either expressed or implied with respect to the HTMLed software and/or any associated materials provided with it, including but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and against infringement. Neither Peter Crawshaw nor Internet Software Technologies shall be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever, including property damage, personal injury, intellectual property infringement, loss of profits, or interruption of business, or for any special, consequential or incidental damages however caused, whether from the use of this software or any files created with it.