TABLES TUTOR (C) TOLLSIDE LTD 1996 Installation: Copy all files in ZIP file to a new directory. Create icon in program manager - select File New, press OK, and then enter command line as TABLES.EXE. Make working directory same directory and title "Tables Tutor". Press OK. Operation: Green pull down box allows selection of table. Press play button to hear and see table played. Press Test Table button to test your child's performance on selected table. Random button does a random test of tables. Upper and lower limits can be manually set for this to bias the selection to easy or hard. Retry can be allowed for wrong answers by marking the check box. The large green box on the bottom left of the screen shows the table build up using red pegs. The program will operate on a non multimedia machine but without voice. Registration: The shareware version will only do tables up to six times. The registered version goes up to twelve times and costs US $8 or œ5. Send check to Tollside Ltd, 42a, Wallingford Road, Cholsey, Oxon, OX10 9LB, ENGLAND Email 100673, If you do not wish to register please feel free to give us any feedback you consider appropriate. Let us know of any problems you have with the program or views on design. Redistribution: The shareware version can be redistributed free of charge so long as no modification is made and all files are included. Any media may be used for redistribution e.g. CD ROM (magazines please note!) Tollside Ltd accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by this program.