$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$ A A g THE COMIC BOOK NET ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE - ISSUE NUMBER 75 g $ (VARIANT B) $ A Edited by: David LeBlanc [ComicBkNet@aol.com] A g _____________________________________________________________________ g $ World Wide Web Page------>> http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet $ A --------------------------------------------------------------------- A g ,{(~~ ))~~`}), \\// g $ {{' ,, }} \\\\ ////// $ A { ( /_ _\ } \\((\\\\////// A g }` (') . (') { @-------) // Oh, Oh Wow! g $ `(____ o____)', @------) ) // $ A __/(_\-/_)\_/ \__/ '' // A g ~ }~{ _/' /> __)) g $ /___\ (__/'\__ \ $ A ~\ \~ \ '\ A g / / '\ '\ g $Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$Ag$ ` ` This publication is brought to you by the members of the premiere BBS network for the discussion of comics books and the people who create them, The ComicBook Network!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ComicBook Network was founded by Ed Dukeshire and Mike Imboden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you wish to receive each issue automatically through your Email account, please address a message to ComicBkNet@aol.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] On the Net ............................ David LeBlanc [2] Letters to the Editor ................. Your Page! TRIVIA CONTEST......................... Guesses & Answers [3] CBN Insider ........................... News, gossip, & rumors [4] NAME THIS COLUMN ...................... M!ke Imboden [5] Liefeld OUT at Image .................. Press Releases [6] JUST IN ............................... Justin Steiner [7] Our Favorite Stores ................... ComicBook Network [8] New Comic Book Releases List........... Charles LePage [A] E-Mag Info: Submissions, Subscriptions, Back Issues, Copyrights [B] How to join ComicBook Network.......... BBS 101 [C] Bulletin Boards Linked into CBN........ CBN node list ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] On the Net by David LeBlanc Yes it's that time again! Another "divisible by 25" anniversary is upon us. I could not let it pass without providing a *gimmick* cover for the speculators among you. In fact, there are 3 covers to this issue. There is the KABONG cover, the BAMF cover and the ever popular BABE WATCH cover. I could not decide how to distribute the *alternate* issues to maximize profits, but since this is a free mag anyway I will leave it up to you, the reader, to get the two you don't have. Every person on the mailing list will get one variant, the zip file uploaded to ComicBook Net and to our back issue page http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet/cbem/index.html will have another, and the text file posted to the AOL Comics Library and our EMAG page [http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet/emag.htm] will have the third. That last one may be the hardest to get because AOL does not release files for download for at least a week, sometimes 3, and the text file posted to the Emag page is only available until the next issue is posted. So..... If you just *have* to have every single variant you better get over to our web page and grab that file, or use one of those 15 free hour disks from AOL to grab it from the Comics Library (Keyword: COMICS) or you may pine away knowing it is just beyond your grasp. For those of you who are not Email subscribers, well . . . I guess you are out of luck unless you know someone who is. Beware of speculators who may try to sell you elaborate forgeries, claiming to be original subscriber copies. Only the originals come with the special silver embossed logo. As always you should take adequate precautions to protect your investment in this landmark issue. Each file should be virus scanned (we recommend McAfee's VirusScan Ver. 2.5.1) and stored on a write protected diskette which has been sealed in our patented ComicSquish (t.m.) zip lock mylar disk sleeves. Save now for future wealth! Last time I mentioned a friendly invite I had received from a retailer while I was out in Cleveland last week. I did not have the text with me when I prepared the last issue but I want to say thanks again to Dave Lisa for his warm invitation and I hope I can stop in when I next visit the area. You local folk check out his shop about 30 miles southeast of Cleveland at: Dave's Comics & Collectibles 8115 Main Street Garrettsville, Ohio 44231 Store Hours: Mon - Sat 11am to 6 pm BIG news from Image this week with the ouster of a founding member. Also I hope everyone caught SUPERMAN The Animated Series' premier movie on the WB Network with the new series starting on Saturday. The X-Men cartoon kicks off with a Phalanx Covenant adaptation on September 7 as well. The Tick and Spider-Man are due the weekend of September 14. Meanwhile . . . M!ke is back, still without a name for his column, to help celebrate our 75th issue. It's been a year and a half since he and Ed came up with this idea and we are glad you are all enjoying the results. Chuck LePage has stepped up and volunteered to let us use his preliminary NCRL (New Comic Release List) which he prepares on Fridays. It has the major publishers' issues expected to ship next Wednesday. He posts the final list with all the available publishers information on Monday nights. If you want to get that just follow the URL in his column or send him a message to get on his mailing list. While your at it, drop us a line about any old thing regarding the mag or comics in general, but first let's see what that *special* trivia question is all about. David LeBlanc [ComicBkNet@aol.com] Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] Letters to the Editor If you want to comment on this or any previous issue, want to offer something for us to publish, or just want to shamelessly suck up to the editor to try and get your name in print send Email to: ComicBkNet@aol.com Note: letters of comment, complete with the sender's Email address, may be used in future issues of the CBN E-Mag unless you specifically request us NOT to use them. Email address will be withheld upon request. +++++ Nothing I dare reprint! *8^) [TRIVIA CONTEST] Last week's question: > From: M.Tomiak@ping.de (Michael Tomiak) > > What do the following comic books have in common: > Conan the Barbarian # 241 > Flaming Carrot # 27 > Satan's Six # 1 > X-Factor # 50 > Marvel Comics Present # 32 +++++ From: desada@edc1.edc.ca (Desabrais, Dave) This is probably way too late, but I'll give it a shot. All of the books have covers by Todd Mcfarlane. +++++ From: SSymco@aol.com Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 22:45:32 -0400 The answer is that all of them feature covers by Walt Simonson. From: SSymco@aol.com Date: Sun, 1 Sep 1996 13:22:17 -0400 I changed my mind! Now I think the answer is that they all featured covers by Todd McFarlane! +++++ From: gerbil@aztec.asu.edu (KEITH OBRIEN) Amongst the many things the comics listed in the trivia question have in common are such diverse elements as: paper, ink, and staples! The Keith gerbil@aztec.asu.edu [as The Brain would say, "I'm going to have to hurt you." ] +++++ From: "Augie De Blieck Jr." Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 09:35:49 +0000 They all have covers done (in whole or part) by Todd McFarlane. (If memory serves, MCP was a Kitty Pryde cover pencilled and inked by McFarlane. X-Factor was inked over Rob Liefed. Satan's Six was inked over Jack Kirby. Conan was pencilled by McFarlane but inked by Scott Williams. And McFarlane did the cover for Flaming Carrot. -Augie, old-time McFarlane fan-boy +++++ Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 13:16:30 +0200 From: Marlous de Neef Todd McFarlane was the cover artist for all these comic books. Marlous de Neef The Netherlands, Europe +++++ Date: 96-08-31 09:35:09 EDT From: OJames6637 I think that all of those issues featured Todd McFarlane inking the cover. Scott O'Connor +++++ Date: 96-08-31 08:35:58 EDT From: EmilioTorr ANSWER: THEY ALL HAVE COVER ART BY TODD MACFARLANE. IN SOME ISSUES LIKE SATAN'S SIX THE COVER IS ONLY INKED BY HIM. +++++ [And, in the wee hours of Saturday morning we got our first 3 time winner!] Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 00:02:58 -0700 From: "Jim, Master of Comics" Subject: Re: CBEM #74 > What do the following comic books have in common: Snap. Todd McFarlane covers. Jim, Master of Comics smiv@primenet.com Congratulations Jim! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THIS WEEK'S TRIVIA QUESTION: What do the following comics have in common: ENEMY #1 (Dark Horse) HAWKMAN #15 (latest series)(DC) THE MACHINE #2 (Dark Horse) +++++ A little hint: despite what The Keith says, it is not staples, paper, ink, color or anything so common to every comic. You might be able to get it with a little luck but since none of these are old or rare the best thing to do is visit the back issue bins and give at least two of them a *very* close look through. The answer is obvious once you see it so even just one might be enough. Everybody who gets it wins this time, though the earlier you get it the better (or CHEEZIER depending on your point of view) the prize will be. IMPORTANT RULES NOTICE: **ANY** "correct" answer to reach the editor wins the CHEEZY PRIZE(tm). this time, in celebration of our 75th issue! Please be sporting and send only one guess at a time. The monthly limit to ONE PRIZE does not apply to this question. Submit your own trivia and win the CHEEZY PRIZE(tm) if you stump the readers! You MUST submit the correct answer with your question. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] CBN Insider - News, gossip and rumors from around the industry. [NEWS] Chicago Comicon to Oppose San Diego's Trademark Registration From: sysrich@uchimvs1.uchicago.edu (Rich Lukes) Date: Sun, 01 Sep 96 19:23:02 GMT Chicago Comicon to Oppose San Diego's Trademark Registration For Immediate Release Saying: "enough is enough", Chicago Comicon, Inc. has formally opposed the attempt by San Diego Comic Con Inc. to register the trade mark: Comic Con. According to Chicago Comicon CEO, Gary Colabuono, "Obviously San Diego isn't satisfied with simply being the San Diego Comic Con or Comic Con International. They want to trademark "comic con" and any similar term, such as "comicon" so they can control all use of it." Not only would national shows like the Chicago Comicon, the Motor City Comic Con, and the Pittsburgh Comicon be prohibited from using the term, but every casual gathering of fans in church basements and VFW halls would also be forbidden from using it. Colabuono was quick to point out that, "Big Brother is alive and well in the comic convention business." Asked to comment on the proceedings, Michael Goldman, president of the Motor City Comic Con, said, "We fully support Chicago in this matter. We've worked hard to create the good will associated with the name "Motor City Comic Con". For us to have to change our name after so many years would put us back to square one. There's no doubt this would severely damage our business." "We've weathered the competitive onslaught of many rival promoters over the years because the public knew there was only one true Chicago Comicon", said Colabuono. "The rich history and tradition of our 21 years is important not only to us but to the art form of comics itself. For San Diego to want to usurp ownership of this descriptive term smacks of all that's gone wrong in the comics industry these past 5 years. When pressed for a reason for San Diego's action, Colabuono remarked, "It's inexplicable to us. My partners and I find it incomprehensible that a nonprofit organization, founded on the principle of promoting the comics art form and its creators, would proceed with an action that's so obviously harmful to the comics community." It is the intention of the Chicago Comicon to oppose this attempt to seize control of the comics convention marketplace with all the conviction and resources we can muster," concluded Colabuono. Rich Lukes University Of Chicago +++++ Peter David has written a Spider-Man/Gen 13 crossover for Marvel, solicited for November. Who would have thought this would happen? +++++ From Kurt Busiek, about THUNDERBOLTS: It's a new team of super heroes -- the guys that step up to the plate in the wake of the disappearance of the FF and the Avengers. Post-Onslaught, the Marvel Universe has lost many of its "daytime" heroes -- the guys who make the citizenry feel safe at night, rather than the worrisome guys like the X-Men, Spider-Man and the Hulk. The Thunderbolts will be filling that gap -- they're the big, splashy, determined heroes who "serve and protect," keeping Earth safe from the many threats it faces. The team is led by Citizen V -- a revival/revamp of a Golden Age character not seen since 1942. The original Citizen V was killed in the war by Baron Zemo, and this is a descendant. He's put together the Thunderbolts because he feels that someone's got to arise to do this job. The rest of the (initial) team are new heroes: Meteorite -- she channels an extra-terrestrial energy that allows her to fly as fast as (and hit as hard as) her namesake. She's also second in command, keeping a team of fairly raw heroes functioning while Citizen V focuses his attention on the threats and such. In many ways, she's the heart of the team, watching over the junior members and helping them cope. M.A.C.H.-1 - a fighter pilot in an exo-harness that's essentially a form-fitting fighter jet. He's got speed, he's got maneuverability, he's got all the fancy radar and onboard arsenal you'd expect from a state-of-the-art fighter. He's here to "put himself in harm's way" to protect others, but nobody more so than... Songbird - a young woman with damaged vocal cords; they've been rebuilt to give her sonic powers that transmute sound into solid shapes, like wings, force-walls, cages, and more. She's had a very rough life, and being a T-Bolt will either allow her to win back her self-esteem or crush it completely. Luckily, she's got MACH-1 to lean on (and he on her; it's not a one-way thing). Atlas - a giant. Not much more complication to his powers than that, except to say that (a) yes, he's using a version of the Pym process, and (b) he's the most dedicated of the T-Bolts, taking a lot of responsibility onto some pretty broad shoulders. Techno - the resident mechanical genius; he's been a swashbuckler of science all his life, and now he gets to do it for real. Imagine MacGyver in a world where Kirby technology exists, with a backpack made of components that he can mentally assemble or reassemble into just about anything he wants. He loves the limelight ... maybe too much. There will be a seventh member, but not right away, there'll be tons of action and character drama -- and some twists that make this book unlike any other Marvel super-team series ... but we've got to keep some surprises. It's edited by Tom Brevoort and Glenn Greenberg, written by me, penciled by Mark Bagley, and premieres in February. The characters will be on display earlier, though, in HULK #449 and maybe a couple of other spots. This is my first time doing something that takes center stage in the contemporary Marvel Universe, and I'm having a blast. If readers enjoy the book half as much as I'm enjoying writing it, we'll all have a great time. -- kurt +++++ What comic property is currently being discussed as a possible cartoon series and perhaps a new comic book in the near future? I am sworn to secrecy but stay tuned for more news in a couple weeks. +++++ The Comic Cafe reports that the Dirty Pair Graphic Novel has had a serious misprint problem. After the first 10 pages there are 16 that are out of order. Dark Horse is said to be correcting it right away with the corrected versions to be out this week. +++++ From this week's CSNsider in The Comic Shop News #481, a lot of stuff we already told you about, plus . . . Wendy Pini will be doing stories in the monthly Elfquest anthology title starting with the 4th issue - they will be part of the "Dreamtime" story arc about elves who have slept for ten thousand years. . . DREAMWALKER will join the Caliber Tapestry imprint by next January . . . starting in February, Jeff Mason's Alternative Press will be publishing a quarterly "SHOCK OF THE EARTH" by Zeric Award winner Jon Lewis (True Swamp). . . Wildstorm will be putting out a Gen13 Trading cards with each box containing a reproduced storyboard from the upcoming animated feature. . . for the same low $2.50, MAD #350 this month will include a CD with music, an index of issues 1-349 searchable by artist, writer, title, dept, etc. , a contest, and new animation with Spy Vs Spy and Alfred E Newman . . . Babylon 5 will return as a comic book though not by DC . . . There will be a 300 page trade paperback of Joe Lansdale's work for $24.95 in November. It will be most of his stuff but excludes company characters such as Jonah Hex and stories already in other anthologies. . . Justice League:A Midsummer's Nightmare #1 & #2 were heavily overprinted and still have totally sold out from DC . . . a Quentin Tarentino comic book?. . . Garth Ennis is working on two War comics for DC; Unknown Soldier and Enemy Ace are not yet scheduled. . . Hilly Rose has been optioned for a cartoon series with B.C. Boyer helping on producing and an option for a CD-ROM game. . . The Art of Wrightson is a $9.95 book of six pop-up pieces of Bernie's art. . . Alex Ross says he and Mark Waid are working on an *epilogue* to KINGDOM COME! ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] NAME THIS COLUMN by M!ke Imboden So here we are - the 75th issue of The ComicBook Net E-mag. What started originally as a means of advertisement for CBN itself has apparently become MORE than CBN itself, with readership in the high thousands (okay, so I'm exaggerating there). Seventy-five issues. More than some comics - and a fairly reliable weekly schedule. Sure, it was sorta bi-weekly when Ed and I did it wayyy back when, and we missed a few weeks when the previous editor was 'comic surf'ing, but for the most part, for the past year and a half we've been coming into your e-mailboxes on a regular schedule. If only some of you had been able to come by CBN during that time. I'm sure some of you have - I haven't been around much at all in the past eight months myself - but not enough of you when it was really needed, when the WWW was exploding and everyone who had a modem was slapping URLs into what now looks like antiquated web browsing software. But that's neither here nor there. Before I go any further I want to apologize for missing a couple of weeks. I recently started a new job and after two years of college and part time jobs it's taken some time getting used to being on a "real" schedule again. You'll note that we still need a name for this column. You should also note that I am still planning on awarding a prize to the person who submits the best name. Taking nothing away from Dave's Cheesy (TM) prize, I can honestly say that this one will be worth your time. Nothing earth shattering, but it will be free and who can argue with that? In any event, I'm trying to get into a routine and hope to have these out on a more regular basis. I did receive a few suggestions for some "alternative" books, so thanks to everyone who sent me ideas. If you have some favorite titles please share them. I'll run a list of some of the ones I tried and enjoyed in a few weeks. (and if you self-publish here's a chance to get some free exposure!). Speaking of self-publishing... Hopefully I'll have time to make it to this year's Third Annual Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland. I've been to the first two, helping out a little at both, so I'm hoping this year will be no different. If you plan on attending let me know and maybe we'll run into each other. It's hard to believe Mark Gruenwald is gone. Hell, it's hard to believe that half the people the industry has lost in the past year or two are gone. I'm starting to ramble a bit, aren't I? Seventy-five issues! It's still hard to grasp it all. I never in my wildest dreams thought that something I had a hand in creating would be around, and read by so many people - industry folks too! - and be so, I guess "well known" is the right phrase. I really wanted to do something super-special for this issue but I'll be damned if I can think of anything. I guess being out of the vocal fandom loop for so long can turn your brain to mush. So, instead of some big dog and pony show where I dance around and wave flags and sing the praises of CBN and wax nostalgic like an old fool, I'd like to say thanks to some of the people who I've had the pleasure of interacting with on CBN in the past three and a half years or so. In no particular order; Bill Hughes, Ed Dukeshire, Vern Kriske, Chris Oarr, Ryan Brewster, John Harris, Walter Tietjen, Robert Wood, all of the CBN sysops who's names I can't remember right now, Nathan Bredfeldt, Mark Evanier, Patrick Long, Joe Littrell, Mark Likos, Jesse Willey and last, but not least, David LeBlanc. Dave and I have seen eye to eye on less occasions than Burt Ward has said "Holy ----!", but he's someone I respect and admire for handling some of the things he's had to handle. Running the show here, moderating FIDO and WME and trying desperately to keep CBN afloat is more than any one (sane) person should try to handle but he does it - somehow. And for that Dave get's my biggest thank you of this column. Here's looking forward to the 150th issue. (Mike is serious about this contest, folks. Name this column and win something cool. Like free comics and, oh, other goodies. If this were a game show Don Pardo might say it's value was roughly $30 or more! Send your entries, or just plain ol' e-mail, to Mike at cambot@ix.netcom.com or if you prefer putting pen to paper, at I HAVE NO PANTS AND I MUST SCREAM, PO BOX 1423, Frederick, MD 21702-0423) -M!ke (cambot@ix.netcom.com) "Hail to the king, baby!" - Duke Nukem http://www.netcom.com/~cambot ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] Liefeld quits/kicked out of IMAGE Various press releases First the solicitations for November show Rob has moved 4 titles to Maximum Press, a non-Image imprint. YOUNGBLOOD, GLORY, PROPHET, and NEWMEN are all solicited by Maximum Press for November, and NOT Image Comics. With rumors flying that Rob's books on the Marvel "Heroes Reborn" fiasco are not on time (with a history of people NOT wanting to work with him on the project - Waid, Perez, Dixon) we see a public post on AMerica Online from his Avengers scripter and fellow Image founder, Jim Valentino: Subj: Valentino Quits!!! Date: 96-09-03 18:11:12 edt From: JValent231@aol.com This is to inform all Avengers fans that I have resigned from scripting/laying out the Avengers as of this date due to non-payment by Extreme Studios. I want to make perfectly clear that Marvel Comics has nothing whatsoever to do with this unfortunate turn of events and that I hold them blameless in this matter.--Jim Date: 96-09-04 03:43:14 edt From: JValent231 I completed four issues. I'm sure only the first issue will be mine. My understanding is that Jeph Loeb has been vying for the book since San Diego, so I assume he'll be named as the new scripter any second now. Mark Waid tells me he's all ready doing "damage control" for Rob right now. --Jim +++++ THAT day, the press releases came out, and for the record, Extreme Studios reportedly has DENIED not paying Valentino. Thanks to Michael Grabois for posting the official news to the Usenet: The following press release was posted on Compuserve's Comics and Animation forum at 4:17 pm CDT on 9/4/96 by the Extreme Studios account: ----- begin quoted material ----- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Matt Hawkins Date:09/04/96 ROB LIEFELD RESIGNS FROM IMAGE COMICS Rob Liefeld, one of the original founders of Image Comics, has announced that he has resigned his post as President of Image and is relocating the remainder of his Image titles to Maximum Press. "This was not an easy decision to make and it is with the deepest regret that we have made this move," says Extreme President Rob Liefeld. "It saddens me to leave Image Comics. Image is very important to me and the nearly five years I spent with Image Comics remains the most gratifying experience of my career. In my time at Image I learned more about life and running a business than I could have ever hoped for. Image Comics will always hold a special place in my heart. I want to thank Todd, Jim, Marc, Erik and Valentino for their friendship and the incredible experience of working alongside a group of such talented individuals. I wish the guys at Image the very best." "I will now turn my collective efforts towards Maximum Press and continuing the success we started with Avengelyne, Darkchylde and our other books, including the upcoming Extreme Genesis event that we have been working towards for 1997. "Extreme Genesis will introduce the 'Maximum Heroes' line of books offered exclusively through Maximum Press. Such titles as Alan Moore's Supreme, Glory, Kid Supreme, NewMen, Prophet and Youngblood will be featured under the Maximum Heroes banner for the Maximum Press imprint, adding to an already diverse line of titles including Asylum, Battlestar Galactica, Bionix and Jim Krueger's Foot Soldiers. As always, Maximum Press will continue to be distributed through Diamond and we are proud of that association. "I will continue to work together with Jim Lee on the Heroes Reborn project for Marvel Comics. Captain America and the Avengers have been one of, if not the most, exciting creative endeavors I have ever taken on. It is a dream come true to work on these Marvel icons. We will continue to enthusiastically produce those books in conjunction with Marvel Comics, Joe King and Bob Harras. "In addition to our comic book line we also have a number of exciting television and movie projects that are being developed. Four of those projects should begin production in the next few months. Avengelyne and Badrock at New Line Cinema, Prophet at Tri Star and The Mark at Paramount are the most active and should all begin filming over the course of the next few months. I'm thrilled by the prospects these movies represent for our characters. Supreme, Kid Supreme, Blindside and Darkchylde are all in active development as animation and motion picture projects which will be announced soon. "In order to expand our efforts, we felt it necessary to make this move at this time. The comics marketplace has changed drastically over the past few years and we will endeavor to adapt to it. There will be a number of big announcements made in the next few weeks that will transform us and make us stronger. I am excited about the future and all of the exciting opportunities that await us." ----- end quoted material ----- The following was posted to the Compuserve Comics and Animation Forum by the Image Comics corporate account on 9/4/96 at 7:52 pm CDT: ----- begin quoted material ----- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 FULLERTON, CA -- At a meeting of the shareholders of Image Comics, Inc. held today, the shareholders approved a resolution to remove Rob Liefeld as the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Company subject to a second vote to be held in seven days. The shareholders also approved a resolution to terminate Rob as a member of the Board of Directors of Image Comics effective immediately. Minutes before the meeting, the Company received Rob's written resignation from all of these positions. IMAGE COMICS, INC. Erik Larsen Jim Lee Todd McFarlane Marc Silvestri James Valentino ----- end quoted material ----- Michael R. Grabois | http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mgrabois Houston, TX | orbit@ix.netcom.com CI$: 74737,2600 +++++ Before anyone asks, Silvestri is STILL a shareholder, he just had relinquished his seat on the board and moved his products out. Likewise, unless they actually buy Liefeld's shares he still is part owner. Perhaps just picking the title "Shattered Image" was an ironic foreboding? ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] JUST IN by Justin Steiner Over the past few years, there have been plenty of people offering proclamations of doom and gloom in the comics industry. They say that there's all sorts of things wrong with comics, from a glut of super-heroes to too many gimmicks and not enough story. They say that the excitement is gone. Well, I agree with some of these theories and disagree with others but the one I most disagree with is that last one I mentioned. For me, comics are still exciting. What excites me about comics? The anticipation of new projects, for one. I've been anticipating the return of KURT BUSIEK'S ASTRO CITY for weeks now. I find it to be one of the best comic books out there, of any genre. It's been gone for way too long and I just want it back in my life. Sounds a bit pathetic, doesn't it? Maybe so, but the thought of it returning excites me and gives me some happiness. I'm also looking forward to LEAVE IT TO CHANCE and the new SIN CITY arc and the return of MADMAN COMICS and THB finally being published and on and on. There's nothing like the feeling of holding a comic in your hands that you've been waiting to read. You open it and read a few pages, then shut it, not wanting to spoil the feeling you've had. But then you go back to it and it's a memory, hopefully a good memory, and you move on. But there's nothing like waiting. What was that Tom Petty said? "The waiting is the hardest part." Yes, but it's oh so sweet. What else excites me about comics? Good writers. I've never read an Acclaim (Valiant) comic but you can be sure I'm going to pick up X-O MANOWAR, which is to be co-written by one of the best writers in comics, Mark Waid. I've never read ASH but when I learn that James Robinson is going to be writing it, I realize it's something I should check out. I'm amazed that I get to read stuff from these guys every month, especially Waid on FLASH and Robinson and STARMAN. They are just the tip of the iceberg, though. I get to read Mike Baron on NEXUS, John Ostrander on SPECTRE, John Ney Rieber on BOOKS OF MAGIC, Garth Ennis on PREACHER and HITMAN, this list goes on and on too. Anything else? Well, good artists, like Frank Miller on SIN CITY, Paul Chadwick on CONCRETE, Mike Allred on MADMAN COMICS, Steve Rude on NEXUS, Teddy Kristiansen on HOUSE OF SECRETS, and you get the picture. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love comics. I am happy when I'm reading comics. Comics excite me. And I hope that you share these feelings with me. Next week, I'll have some more reviews for you. Right now, I've got some comics to read. Justin Steiner jsteiner@netnitco.net ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] Our Favorite Comic Stores The ComicBook Net These stores have been mentioned by the members of the Comic Book Network as the places they like to shop. We suggest you check them out when in the area and mention you heard about them from the Comic Book Network. Heck, print it out and tell them *hundreds* of people read this mag!(It's true!) Maybe you'll get a free comic! Conway Comics Plus The Comic Book Store Hwy 286 9307 Treasure Hill Road Conway, AR Little Rock, AR Ken's Collectibles Exit 48 Flea Market Interstate 40 Judsonia, Arkansas Collector's Edition Comics The Golden Apple 3217 John F Kennedy Blvd 8962 Reseda Blvd North Little Rock, AR Northridge, CA 91324 Famous Faces THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT Wickam Rd 244 Park Avenue Melbourne, FL Worcester, MA 01609 Comikazi, Comics, Toys, & Noise THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT 503 State Road 387 Main Street North Dartmouth, MA Fitchburg, MA 01420 Web Head Enterprises Collectors World 353 Main Street 235 Muddy Branch Rd Wakefield, MA 01880 Gaithersburg, MD The Closet Of Comics Brainstorm Comics 7315 Baltimore Avenue (U.S. Route 1) 177B Thomas Johnson Dr. College Park, MD 20740 Frederick, MD Paperback Bazaar The Card Buck 120 Tri-City Plaza 68 Partition Street Somersworth, NH Saugerties, NY 12477 The Comic Empire Of Tulsa Memphis Comics & Records 3122 S. Mingo 665 S Highland Tulsa, OK 74146 Memphis, TN Myth Adventures EG Comics 3000 N. 10th 142 Maple Ave McAllen, TX Vienna VA 22180 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] New Comic Book Releases List by Charles LePage NCRL: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, September 11, 1996, compiled by Charles LePage. This is the preliminary list and is not complete. This complete list is posted weekly, usually Monday evening, at rec.arts.comics.info, http://www.america.net/~cslepage/ncrl.html, and Compuserve's Comics Publishers Forum. To receive the weekly list in your Email write to: ncrl@fair.net (Charles S. LePage) PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. "TPB" means "trade paperback". "AA" means "available again". "S/N" means "signed/numbered". PUBLISHER TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCLAIM Grackle #1 (of 4), 2.95 Sliders: Darkest Hour #3 (of 3), 2.50 ARCHIE Archie Digest #144, 1.79 Betty & Veronica #106, 1.50 World Of Archie #21, 1.50 BIG Leonard Nimoy's Primortals #5, 2.25 Neil Gaiman's Phage: Shadow Death #6, 2.25 CHAOS Lady Death Purgatori & Evil Ernie Jam Poster, 5.95 CRUSADE Dogs Of War #2 (of 3), 2.95 Manga Shi Shiseji #1, 2.95 DARK HORSE Art Adams Creature Features TPB, 13.95 Dark Horse Presents #113, 2.95 Ghost #18, 2.50 Gunsmith Cats: The Return Of Gray #2 (of 7), 2.95 Insider #10, free S.W.: X-Wing R. Squadron: B. Tatooine #4 (of 4), 2.95 Tongue Lash #2 (of 2), 2.95 DC Adventures Of Superman #540, 1.95 Animaniacs #19, 1.75 Azrael #23, 1.95 Batman #536, 1.95 Batman GCPD #4 (of 4), 2.25 Big Book Of Hoaxes TPB, 14.95 Black Lamb #1 (of 6), 2.50 Bloody Mary #2 (of 4), 2.25 Books Of Magic #30, 2.50 Essential Vertigo: The Sandman #4, 1.95 Final Night #2 (of 4), 1.95 Green Arrow #114, 2.25 Heroes #6 (of 6), 2.50 House Of Secrets #2, 2.50 Impulse #19, 1.75 Joker: Devils Advocate TPB, 12.95 Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare #3 (of 3), 2.95 Legionnaires #42, 2.25 New Gods #12, 0.99 Static #41, 2.50 Supergirl #3, 1.95 Superman Adventures #1, 1.75 Superman: Man Of Steel Annual #5, 2.95 Tempest #1 (of 4), 1.75 Total Justice #2 (of 3), 2.25 Witchcraft TPB, 14.95 DIVERSITY Alpha Korps #1, 2.50 MARVEL Adventures Of The X-Men #8, 0.99 Amazing Spider-Man #417, 1.50 Captain America #1 ("Heroes Reborn"), 2.95 Daredevil #358, 1.50 Generation X #21, 1.95 Ghost Rider #79, 1.50 Journey Into Mystery #503, 1.50 Professor Xavier And The X-Men #13, 0.99 Spider-Man: Redemption #3, 1.50 Ultraforce #11, 1.50 Untold Tales Of Spider-Man #15, 0.99 X-Factor #128, 1.95 X-Men/Clandestine #2, 2.95 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A] E-Mag Info: Submissions, Subscriptions, Back Issues, Copyrights The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. Some articles are independent of any connection with CBN and are used with permission. All text contained within is copyrighted to the originating author(s). Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Editor, the Network Administration Team or the members and users of The Comic Book Network. Except where elsewhere noted, The Comic Book Network Electronic Magazine is Copyright 1996 by the Comic Book Network. You may freely distribute or duplicate this file intact without alteration for noncommercial purposes only. Please do not distribute except as the complete file as originally transmitted by The Comic Book Network. THE CBN WEB PAGE http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index and all back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, and other neat features like newly released comic book graphics, links to lists of Comic Book Company addresses, Comic Professionals Email addresses, and other Comic Book related Web pages! LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. You can also find the back issues at America Online, by going to Keyword: Science Fiction, scrolling to the menu item _Comic Book Forum_ and then going to the _Comics Library_ from there. Most issues should also be available on Compuserve, Genie, Channel1 BBS and Software Creations BBS as well as other non CBN affiliated Bulletin Board Systems. All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your articles for consideration to the editor at: ComicBkNet@aol.com Reviews of mainstream books are least likely to get included when submitted from sources outside of CBN, but are not excluded off hand. We give more consideration to reviews of indies and self published material as we feel that material deserves more exposure to the general public. If You write intelligent, coherent, and timely reviews of anything it will almost always be printed so give us a shot. Commentary on the state of the industry, and personal observations and reflections related to comics are *most* likely to be included in our publication. We also accept product for review purposes. Advanced copies of comic books will not be returned but anything sent to us will be reviewed in the ComicBook Net Emag. Send all material to: David L. LeBlanc 84 Heather Circle Jefferson, MA 01522-1419 SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive each issue automatically through your Email account, please address a message to ComicBkNet@aol.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B] How to join the COMIC BOOK NETWORK (CBN) You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occur in the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the continent and the world, many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... There are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general conversation, collecting, gaming and other forms of entertainment. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explanation in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are free to download from most BBS's. I recommend SLMR or OLX-TD for DOS to get started. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN $.75! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? There are plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C] BBSes Linked into CBN Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMIC BOOK NETWORK F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB -- ARKANSAS ------------------------------------------------------------ F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood Conway PC Users Conway AR 501-329-7227 Tim Stone -- CALIFORNIA ---------------------------------------------------------- Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla -- FLORIDA ------------------------------------------------------------- F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell F Steel Dog Cafe Destin FL 904-654-1631 Keith Schultz Ghost's Realm Crestview FL 904-689-6664 Kie Dorton Q Oak Street BBS Ft.Wayne Beach FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer -- ILLINOIS ------------------------------------------------------------ -- INDIANA ------------------------------------------------------------- -- KENTUCKY ------------------------------------------------------------ Lex Corp Georgetown KY 502-867-0992 -- MARYLAND ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Vampyre Bar! Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Darryl Pierce F DataStorm Kettering MD 301-390-5243 Tarek Gordan F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin F Womens World East BBS Silver Spring MD 301-431-0647 Wendy Dumser F Sherata's Realm Mechanicsville MD 301-884-9732 Linda Peek -- MASSACHUSETTS ------------------------------------------------------- F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine B* Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson -- MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------------------------ F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio -- MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Oan Citadel Grandview MO 816-767-1488 Brian J. Stewart -- NEW HAMPSHIRE ------------------------------------------------------- F Venom's World Rollinsford NH 603-743-4188 Ira Locke -- NEW JERSEY ---------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix Modernz Systems Seaside Hts. NJ 908-830-8265 Tal Meta -- NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------ B Asgard TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton Interzone BBS Long Is. City NY 718-786-5557 Jim Garvin F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun -- NORTH CAROLINA ------------------------------------------------------ F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjen F Federal Post Spring Lake NC 910-436-2055 Frank Koza -- OKLAHOMA ------------------------------------------------------------ F Beggar's Forum Oklahoma City OK 405-787-2540 Lonnie Johnson Compumate Tulsa OK 918-628-0887 Danny Pelletier F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett F The Dreaming World Broken Arrow OK 918-451-3056 Greg Adkins -- PENNSYLVANIA -------------------------------------------------------- F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-365-5225 William Horton -- TENNESSEE ----------------------------------------------------------- F The Factory BBS Union City TN 901-885-9647 -- TEXAS --------------------------------------------------------------- B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown -- VIRGINIA ------------------------------------------------------------ B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald -- WASHINGTON ---------------------------------------------------------- F Longview On-Line! Longview WA 360-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon Alpha's Attic Tacoma WA 206-272-8083 Robert Richards -- ONTARIO, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------- F Dark Knight BBS London ONT 519-850-9929 Michael Cross F MACH 1 BBS London ONT 519-457-6771 Tomasz Heiber Stargate:Above & Beyond London ONT 519-472-4938 Paul Nicholas -- MEXICO -------------------------------------------------------------- B* The Gate BBS Mexico City 52-5-264-2994 Emilio Karam - From USA, dial international-access 011 then 52-5-264-2994# ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of another Issue .. see ya in the funny papers!! The suggested spellchecker spelling for Liefeld is "Lifeless".