char *(null)=" baby.buggy


From!netcomsv!decwrl!!!!!!!!badlands!jago Fri Jun  3 00:44:18 1994
Xref: alt.folklore.ghost-stories:5266
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
From: (Karen S Jago)
Subject: Ghost Story/Indiana
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 03:12:22 GMT
Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 46

Okay, here's one for you. 
When I was 11, we moved from Michigan back to Indiana. We ended up 
staying with my Grandma & Grandpa in their big old Victorian house until 
my parents found a place for us to live. G'pa & G'ma had their bedroom 
downstairs, while my parents, myself, and my brothers stayed in the 
three bedrooms upstairs. My baby sister slept in a crib in my parents' 
room, so I had a room to myself. 
One night, I woke up when something bumped the bed. I sat up and looked 
over the footboard  of the bed, and there sat this big wicker baby buggy. 
I was pretty sure it was in my brothers' room when we all went to bed, 
but there it was at the end of my bed. I thought my brothers were trying 
to scare me (being brothers and all), so I went to their room to catch 
them laughing, and tell them I wasn't scared. They were both sound 
asleep. I checked. So I went back to bed, with the buggy at the foot of 
my bed. 
A couple of hours later, I woke up again. This time, the bump came from 
the hallway next to my room. I went out and looked, and - you guessed it 
- there was the baby buggy. (In case you're wondering what kind of 11 
year old is so fearless -or dense- that she would go stomping all over a 
creepy old house in the middle of the night, that would be me. I just 
wasn't afraid; more curious than anything.)
To make a long story short, the bumping and waking and checking on the 
buggy took me to my parents' room (they didn't wake up when the buggy 
went through) back into the hallway, and finally back into my brothers' 
room, which is where I thought the thing was when the night started. 
The next morning, no one said anything that would make me think that they 
had seen or heard anything unusual. So I didn't say anything, because I 
didn't want my brothers to make fun of me (as they were wont to do.)
Now, YEARS later (fifteen or so) I asked my brothers if they had done all 
this, and they said no. (We were having a good-old-fashioned bull 
session at the time, and I believed them.) And a couple of years after 
that, my Grandma was making arrangements to disperse all of her 
possessions before going into a home. She said that she was giving the 
wicker baby buggy to my aunt. I asked her whose buggy it was, and she 
said it was her baby brother's. I couldn't recall any great-uncle, so I 
asked her about him. She told me that he had been a sickly baby, and he'd 
died as an infant. In the buggy. 

Creeps me out just to think about it, but I wasn't scared at the time. 

And don't give me any c**p about "night terrors".

Any comments, or similar experiences? let me know. I love a good ghostly 

Karen at the scenic University of North Dakota

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