char *(null)=" dragging.chains


From!!!!!usenet Mon Nov 14 19:26:52 1994
Xref: alt.folklore.ghost-stories:8509
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
Subject: haunted chains
Date: 14 Nov 1994 21:36:06 GMT
Organization: Prodigy Services Company  1-800-PRODIGY
Lines: 72
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <3a8l86$>
X-Newsreader: Version 1.2

            This experience happened around 1975.
	My brother, Charlie and I lived at home with my parents
while we were working and going to college but every summer my
folks would take off, just traveling around the U.S. and leaving us
to house-sit and mow lawns.  One particular warm humid night not
long after my parents left, I came home from work, watched TV
and went up to bed.  My brother was already asleep in his room
which was next to mine.  As I laid down in bed I heard the distinct
sounds of  a  medium to heavy weight link chain being dragged on
the other side of my bedroom ceiling directly over my bed.  It
sounded exactly like a person picking up a length of chain,
dragging it across a flat surface (there were no floorboards in this
attic space), and then dropping the chain to the floor again.  It
would then repeat itself, yet the noise never got any distance from
the spot overhead. I listened to this eerie sound for three nights in a
row, each time reasoning with myself that there had to be a rational
explanation for it.  I kept it to myself, least my brother think I was
crazy.  It bothered me that he never indicated that he heard
anything at all during the night and I was becoming worried that I
was the only one who could hear this.
	 On the fourth night my nerves started to frazzle.  That
night shortly after I went to bed the sounds started up but, instead
of directly overhead in the attic, the sounds of the 'pick up, drag
and drop,' of the chains changed location, and were now on the
other side of my bedroom wall.  The very wall where my bed was
pushed up against.  Accompanying the noise of the chains was a
thumping sound against the same wall. I had an unshakable feeling
that there was an intelligence behind it and that I was the target of
the cacophony;  as if the noises were intentionally directed at me.  I
was beginning to wonder if I was going a little nuts myself.
	The following morning before we took off to attend to our
differing schedules, I asked Charlie if he ever heard noises in the
attic at night that he couldn't account for.  He replied that he hadn't. 

I began to tell him about the 'pick up, drag, drop' of the chains but
he cut me off by tossing a dirty look.  He thought I was putting him
on.  That night I heard the chains start up not long after I climbed
under the blankets.  I was not surprised that the sound of clinking
chains had resume their original position back overhead my bed.  I
shut out the noise by placing pillows over my ears.
	The following morning, I came downstairs and noticed my
brother looking tired.  With much trepidation, I cautiously asked if
he heard the sounds that I had told him about the day before. He
looked at me with wide eyes. "Yes, I heard it," he replied.  It was
very clear he'd been shook up and didn't want to discuss it.
Disappointed by his attitude, I was still greatly relieved to know I
wasn't 'hearing things.'  All I really needed was the conformation.
	Other strange things happened in that house that I won't go
into, but as for the sounds of the chains, they went from a nightly
occurrence to being present only occasionally.  After about eight
weeks they disappeared altogether.  It was only then I checked
out the empty attic.  There was nothing up there that could account
for the constant eerie clinking of metal one long ago summer.
	I have posted this letter in a few places asking if anyone
has ever had the experience of hearing ghostly chains.  So far no
one has replied to this question.  I ask, because the phenomena
itself (chains rattling or dragging) seem peculiarly confined to
fictional stories, for example, Charles Dickens, 'A Christmas
Carol.  Yet what I heard was most definitely the sound of
'dragging' chains!
	So I ask:  Is there anyone out there that has this experience
with chains?  I am very much interested if you have. 
	Also, has anyone any idea what the sound of chains could
mean?  I welcome any comments at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even
negative ones at this point!!!!!! 

                                               Looking for answers


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