char *(null)=" chair.spirit


From: (Erica Diven)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
Subject: haunted house
Date: 2 Feb 1995 06:42:49 GMT

When I was in 5th grade we rented an old house from this elderly gentleman.
His children were all adults and his wife was dead and the house was too 
big for him. He told my parents to feel free to paint and decorate 
anything that they wanted to but not to cover up the mural that he had 
painted for his wife in the basement. 
It was a hedious representation of his wife's hometown in Italy, but we 
of course made no attempt to cover it up in any way. My mother taught 
ceramics classes in the basement and it was my favorite place to 
rollerskate,so we both were down there alot of the time. Until the weird 
stuff started to happen anyway.
At first we noticed that one of the chairs from around the table always 
seemed to move in front of the mural, but we always assumed that it was 
one of us that had put it there. Then there was the perfume. Just 
suddenly the entire room would fill with this rose scented perfume,it was 
gagging at times. It only happened when I was alone down there there 
though and I really didn't want to tell my mom because I figured that 
she'd just blame it on my imagination.
I got the creeps and wouldn't go domn alone but I felt safe with my mom.
Then one day when we were together the water went on full blast and the 
chair swung out from the table and scooted across the floor to the mural 
and the room filled with the perfume. My mother looked at me and I looked 
at her and we both ran up the stairs as fast as we could. 
When we calmed down we shared our stories. She had experienced the same 
things as I. 
Unfortunately for my mom she taught her class down there and it was 
unavoidable. One evening after everyone had left and my mom was cleaning up
(I was there, she wouldn't be alone in the basement) the episode repeated 
itself and in the midst of it I was touched on the shoulder and the ghost 
said "Don't move my chair"
Belive me that chair was never moved again.
Oh, just as a note, when we were moving out we mentioned it to the 
landlord and his reply was "Yeah, she started that about a week after she 
Greaat,thanks for telling us! At least it shut up my disbeliving father.

That's really just one of my stories,I've got a whole truckload that I'll 
share in due time.

Best to all-- Erica

" The system's inertia will persist in trying to demean the individual, to 
force him or her into the stereotypes and cubicles of corporations. 
Dreamers must resist, for we can live in our noblest dreams, but only if 
we are worthy of them."
              Harlan Ellison

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