char *(null)=" cmu.haunting


Well since there are people posting about wierd happenings about their
domr rooms, I guess its just righ that I share mine.
My story is rather wierd, as are all ghost stories, it took place in my
freshman dormatory in Carnegie Mellon University, to be exact, Morewood
Gardens, E-tower, 606.
My first encounter, I wasn't really sure if it was paranormal related,
but as they progressed, I was rather sure of it.  One day, when I was
sitting at my desk, all the posters of my room just flopped on the floor
at once.  There were four of them in all, an all them were hung by thumb
tacks.  This gave me a major HMMM... then I just threw it in the back of
my mind, a truck possibly passed by.. and shook the walls.... YEAH..
THATS IT!! Yeah...
Then one day, as I was sitting at my desk, my computer turned on by
itself, monitor and all.. and if you know about PC power switches..
thats pretty hard to do with a power surge, you gotta flip on a huge,
imposing switch for it to turn on!!!  This is no feather touch baby..
Then another day, and my TV turned on by itself...  Now the story gets
real freaky...
My room was like the floor headquarters for video entertainment, it had
a Super Famecom (Japan's Nintendo) CD rom, Sega, TV, VCR the works,
people on the floor would just come in and play the things, it was cool,
they broguht beer and chips and stuff.  But one day, my next door
neighbor Miguel, who WAS TOTALLY SOBER, was playing video games
experienced a cold breeze, and then turned his head towards my bed and
saw a dark shadow hovering over my bed.   Then subsequently ran out of
my room...
Then the next day my friend Steve was in my room tyring to convince me
that if I ws strong in faith with God (He does this stuff.. its his
way...)  I would surpass these obstacles... but as he finished his last
sentence.. t to very last second... my answering machine turned on...
- Corwin
Scott Safier

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